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Home - O Sebrae RS incentiva o empreendedorismo apoiando as micro e pequenas empresas, através de consultoria empresarial para abertura de empresa, criação do plano de negócios, cursos de atendimento ao cliente, gestão empresarial, etc.

Country:, South America, BR

City: -51.2 Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

  • Daniel - Wasted Potential

    Good cast sort of wasted in film with very weak script, feels as if it might have been more entertaining in hands of better director. Not even up to popcorn movie that you'd watch on a Saturday night... Film characters are very underdeveloped. Almost seems like made for tv type movie though not even up to some of those quality.

  • Jim Capponi - I love these golf balls!!

    Bridgestone B330 RX Golf Balls have improved my game. I get more distance & accuracy with these golf calls then any other golf balls that I have tried. At 72 years of age I need any advantage that I can get! I recommend that you give then a try.