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Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure Blog - This blog is a companion to Dropping Acid and it allows us to continually publish new material.

  • ACID REFLUX? Beware of Bottles and Cans | Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure | Blog - Most people with acid reflux know to avoid carbonated beverages (soda pop); however, almost every bottled and canned food and beverage today is acidic. That is the law !!??!!
  • Think Heartburn Means Acid Reflux? Think Again! | Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure | Blog - Heartburn is not the most common symptom of acid reflux. We now recognize that airway reflux (involving the nose, throat, sinuses, and lungs) may be every bit as important, maybe more important.
  • Aloe Vera Is Super | Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure | Blog - Surprise! Aloe vera is good for people with reflux (as long as you don't buy the juice with acid added), and it is an excellent thickener for smoothies. And, you can now buy the leaves in many healthy food stores. At this point, many new and exciting culinary uses of aloe remain to be explored.
  • It’s Manuka, Honey! | Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure | Blog - Manuka honey may be the next great superfood for reflux sufferers. It is good for burns, and it eradicates H. pylori. New Zealanders have believed for centuries that Manuka is good for dyspepsia (indigestion, acid reflux) and for other digestive problems as well.
  • The Good Egg: Omelets for Acid Reflux | Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure | Blog - How to make a low-fat, three-egg omelet: Buy jumbo eggs; throw away some of the yolks; and use delicious low-fat fillings like veggies, preserves, and seafood.
  • Water Water Everywhere, But Nothing Left to Drink | Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure | Blog - Specialty drinks have become popular alternatives to traditional soft drinks. Unfortunately, most of these are just as acidic and unsuitable for refluxers. So what can a refluxer safely drink?
  • Kim Kardashian’s Esophageal Cancer Question to Dr. Oz | Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure | Blog - Recently, Kim Kardashian was on the Dr. Oz show to ask about the relationship between acid reflux and esophageal cancer. Her father died of esophageal cancer in 2003. Here's more that you should know.
  • The Missing Link | Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure | Blog - Why is reflux epidemic? Why is esophageal cancer one of the fastest growing cancers in America? Why do so many people with reflux fail treatment? We believe that the answer is related to high levels of dietary acid.
  • How to Keep Acid Reflux Under Control During the Holidays | Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure | Blog - Enjoy turkey, potatoes, veggies, and the pumpkin pie, but limit the cranberry sauce, gravy, chocolate, carbonated beverages, and booze. Enjoy the day, but don't overeat or snack before going to bed.
  • Whoa Baby! Even Some Baby Food is Acidic! | Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure | Blog - We heard about a baby with reflux who was on antireflux medication and so we wondered -- Could there be acid in baby food, too? So we tested 30 baby foods; the pH ranged from very bad (pH 3.7) to very good (pH 5.9). Yes, it makes a difference.
  • Are All Yogurts Created Equal? | Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure | Blog - There are yogurts for kids and babies, low-fats and organics, Greek-style or Icelandic, and ones extra loaded with probiotics. As a reflux sufferer, that’s a lot to sort through, so we’ve decided to test the pH of thirty varieties of yogurts and let you know how they measure up. Let the testing begin!
  • The Tomato: Good or Evil? | Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure | Blog - Tomatoes are found in many many different foods and in many forms, including raw tomato slices or dices in garnishes and salads, and tomatoes are found as an ingredient in many types of salsas ,dips, and other sauces. Unfortunately, for most people with reflux the tomato is a real problem.
  • Welcome to The Reflux Diet Cookbook Blog | Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook & Cure | Blog - Dear Friends: This blog is your opportunity to make comments and ask questions. We will try to respond to all reasonable and relevant questions in a timely fashion. NOTE: We cannot and will not offer medical advice for medical questions on this site.

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  • Abby - A product that really works!!

    Let me start by mentioning the ONE thing that I didn't love about this product - the scent. Even then, it wasn't a terrible, off-putting smell, but it was very earthy, and hard to describe. It was a scent that you feel like you should recognize, but you wrack your brain, and you just cannot put your finger on exactly what it is. Given that this has the consistency of a mud mask, the smell is fitting in that context. Once I went through the rest of my hair styling products (mousse, thickener, color protector), the scent of the conditioner was masked. With that issue out of the way, I will tell you what I thought of the product otherwise - LOVE, LOVE, LOVED it. The package comes with 8 treatments which are individually packaged; each with its own shower cap. You put the treatment on, cover with the shower cap, and leave it on for at least 5 minutes. I left mine on for a little longer, perhaps 7 or 8 minutes. Each package has ample product, which is awesome. Often time, when you encounter an individual package of just about anything, it is scant, or less than adequate for your needs. This package had plenty of product, and I have to think that, depending on how long and/or thick your hair is, you could stretch two or three treatments from one pack. The formula is very thick, and covers the hair well. I spent extra time rinsing to ensure I got it all out so that it wouldn't weigh my hair down. My hair is very fine, thin, and limp, so I cannot afford to leave any heavy products in my hair, or it will fall flat. I rinsed the product out well, and followed with my regular hair care routine. My hair was noticeably fuller. I can't tell if it actually thickened each strand, but it had more volume than it normally does. I have a spot of the top of the back of my head where my scalp is ALWAYS visible through my hair. I could not see my scalp!! It was great. It left my hair very soft and manageable as well. There was no heaviness, stickiness, or residue - just great, thicker looking, shiny hair. Often, the big test for me is the "second day hair" test, when the natural oils my hair produces in abundance either get worse, better, or remain unchanged based on a new product. At worst, it was unchanged, and it felt a little less oily, if anything. This is a great benefit for me, as my hair is oily at the scalp, but dry at the ends, so I want to avoid drying it out as much as possible without looking like a grease ball. So this product gets an A there as well. Obviously, as far as hair loss prevention, I can't really say at such an early stage, but I am thrilled with the product regardless of its hair regrowth, because of the way it performed on my hair as it currently is. I recommend this product wholeheartedly, and expect it to become a regular part of my hair routine.

  • Pyra Destini - Wonderful lash product

    My daughter and I really like using this Castor oil. It feels great to be doing something for my lashes which help them to grow and be strong instead of mascara which probably just makes them more weak.

  • Haydar KIR - An item that actually worked for me.

    I am not going to lie, at first I hesitated of this product. Could this really increase my focus? I had doubts.

  • minamesephy - Great for a new guitar player

    Decent song selection included, with a LOT of great DLC once you get tired of the original songs included with the game.

  • Lindsay - Good Buy!

    Love this stuff. Bought both the shampoo & conditioner and I have no complaints! Cleans well & doesn't leave my hair oily.

  • Molly Hesse - BITTER, but it does WORK

    First off, don't put this in water. Unless you happen to like the bitterness of fake sugar and a weird minutely fruity tang to your water. Then full steam ahead for you. I tried it in soda and the taste was well masked. I tried it in 450ml of apple juice and it made me juice a little bitter. I'm not sure if the reduction in calories is worth the suffering of my tastebuds. It also absolutely takes longer than a ten second stir to get all the caffeine out of the straw. I let mine soak for a good couple of minutes and then stir for a good couple more before it looks like the straw is empty.