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Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology | Home page - <p><i>Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology</i> also covers clinical subjects such as the pathophysiology of reproduction (e.g. sterility, infertility and abnormal pregnancy, and reproductive tract infections), age-associated changes and disorders of the reproductive tract (e.g. peri- and postmenopausal periods, urinary incontinence and other pelvic floor disorders, impact of hormone replacement therapy), reproductive tissue cancers (e.g. prostate, ovary, uterus, cervix, breast), and the impact of environmental and occupational hazards on reproduction. </p>

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  • William Ferguson - unhappy with it

    It worked in practice. But just had my computer crash and went to use this software to reinstall and and completely failed. I had 3 back ups and as I tried to use each one it told me something was missing and one was the first back up that had worked in the pass. So I don't know what is up. But this is unreliable. I will take my loss and move on.

  • Kenneth W Reaves - This product needs to be pulled from stores

    All prep was done per instructions. Looked great for a few months, fast forward 9 months and it is a flaking pile of crap. The worst part is not the wasted cost of materials (got a full refund from rustoleum) but the time spent prepping and painting and then scraping it all up to do it again. I am surprised there isn't a class action on this stuff. The day we went to complain at Home Depot about it there was already a person at the counter with the same complaint. The guy at Home Depot said they had gotten a lot of complaints on this product.

  • curtistasia - take the time for this one

    This books is not much different that the talks I have heard from him through Leadership Summit. The first time I heard from Hybels was 2013, and to this day I know that what I hear was good but have been in such a whirlwind since that I can not remember the topic(I have ALOT of notes somewhere from it).

  • Meredith - Very helpful!

    Very helpful tool. Several friends getting their MBA recommended it, I bought it for one project at work and use it daily!

  • Scirocco333 - Good for emulation of old games.

    It does what's advertised, but I did have to do a quick edit to the the sound settings to make it work with my Vizio TV. I purchased this to run Launchbox, a front end to video game emulation. Most emulated platforms work, but this thing does not have a special graphics card and Nintendo Game Cube emulation could not be run. M.A.M.E.,SNES, Mupen64plus,Vcoleco, Nestopia, and Atari emulators all worked just fine. If you're doing something like this, get the 64GB micro SD card and you can fit 6000 old games on one little device that's hidden behind your TV.

  • Carol from PA - SAT Version of the Book is Better, this is still worthwhile

    Opening chapters in the SAT version are less forced, easier to read. Skip all of that in this book and go to the sections where it gives help on the various parts of the test. Math especially helpful.