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Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition UK - - Nutricia specialises in the delivery of advanced medical nutrition for the very young, the old and the sick. As well as being the largest specialist nutrition company in Europe, Nutricia is the market leader in the UK

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  • Julie - This stuff is the worst

    Don't ever use an acrylic epoxy- they just don't hold up. I used this on the fiberglass walls of my shower stall and followed the directions to the letter. I spent several days drying out the shower, prepping, painting and curing it. It looked fantastic. Still, within a year it was cracking, separating and peeling. We use the shower every day and I was very gentle when cleaning it, never using abrasives or harsh chemicals. It looks worse now than before I used it. I did use an oil based epoxy on the shower floor and it has held up fantastically. It gets a lot more wear than the walls and I scrub it with Comet and it still looks like I just did it. I don't recommend this to anyone, all the time and effort and now I have to replace the whole fixture.

  • Ramona Denton - Highest Praise for The Insulin Resistance Diet

    THE INSULIN RESISTANCE DIET is intellegent and easy to understand even though it explains a fairly complex bio-chemical process of the human body. The science seems sound, and the conclusions logical. The explanation of insulin resistance answered questions that have nagged at the back of my mind all my life. This makes sense.