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Welcome » NOGLSTP - NOGLSTP is a non-profit organization that educates and advocates for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer students and professionals in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

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  • TheAnalyst - they fog up very easily, making them problematic to use

    These glasses do the trick and are very close to the 3M version. However, they fog up very easily, making them problematic to use.

  • Demetrio Nieves4th - There was never a Vince Perri.

    All four developers were the true owners of Active Enterprises who also made up the character of Vince Perri as a scapegoat so that they would not take 100% of the blame for the creation of Action 52 for the NES.

  • Carol Rose - Understanding Ceramics with Philip Rawson

    This book is not a glossy full-color presentation of the world's spectacular ceramic pieces. It does contain a hundred or so black and white illustrations of ceramics from almost all cultures; ancient and modern. Philip Rawson writes about the general concept of ceramics, the techniques, and the philosophy and symbolism. I found this book to be very helpful in that it gives an overview of all types of ceramics and allows the interested potter or sculptor to survey Rawson's intriguing perceptions. This book promotes ideas and facilitates their coming to the reader through discussions of his seemingly infinite observations. Rawson was a brilliant art professor and brings amazing viewpoints to his readers. Ideas, after all, are the most important factor in creating works of art.

  • Amazon Customer - My favorite hair smoother ever

    My favorite hair smoother ever! I have been using it for years and have tried many other products but keep returning to this one. Whether I wear my hair naturally wavy or straighter it, this stuff is perfect!