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EcoCoca_MamaCoca - Mamacoca, La Mama Coca, Mama Coca, MamaCoca, mamacoca, mama-coca, drogas, repositorio, repository, expertsfumigaciones,imaginario, legislación, estudiosos del tema de drogas, aerial spraying , épandages aériens, drugs, culture, cultivos ilícitos, naroctráfico , indígenas, organizaciones sociales, medioambiente, ambiental, organización, addicción, cocaína, heroína, tabac, crack. productos de coca, desarrollo productivo, proyecto, investigación, marihuana, cánnabis, canabis, documentación cronológica de las fumigaciones, cronología documentada de las fumigaciones, aerial spraying in Colombia, épandages aériens en Colombie, drogues, plantes, toxicomanies, santé, environment, environnment, Roundup, Glyphosate, Paraquat, glifosato, pulvérisations, pesticides, herbicides, legalización, legalization, légalisation, dosis mínima, databases, academic journal, revista, research, recherche, investigación, Studies, científica, bases de datos, scientific, académica, Mamacoca, La Mama Coca, Mama Coca MamaCoca, mamacoca, mama-coca, drogas, fumigaciones, imaginario, legislación, estudiosos del tema de drogas, aerial spraying , épandages aériens, drugs, culture, cultivos ilícitos, naroctráfico , indígenas, organizaciones sociales, medioambiente, ambiental,organizción, addicción, cocaína, heroína, tabac, crack, productos de coca, desarrollo productivo, proyecto, investigación, marihuana, cánnabis, canabis, documentación cronológica de las fumigaciones, cronología documentada de las fumigaciones, aerial spraying in Colombia, épandages aériens en Colombie, drogues, plantes, toxicomanies, santé, environment, environnment, Roundup, Glyphosate, Paraquat, glifosato, pulvérisations, pesticides, herbicides, legalización, legalization, légalisation, dosis mínima, databases, academic journal, revista, research, recherche, investigación, Studies, científica, bases de datos, scientific, académica, La Mama Coca, mamacoca, mama-coca, MamaCoca, Mama-Coca, productos de coca, indígena, MAMACOCA, representación social, drug use, users, cultivos, cultivos a uso ilícito, illicit crops, illicit drugs, ecococa, ECOCOCA, EcoCoca, ecología, eoclogy, ecologie, ecología, ecology, écologie, ecococa, EcoCoca, Eco-Coca, ECOCOCA, MAMMACOCA, mammacoca, mammacoca, mamma coca, mamma-coca, écologique, harina, repositorio, repository, Experts, socionegocio, socio-negocio, Drugs in Colombia, Coca in Colombia, drogues en Colombia, Coca en Colombie: Mamacoca, La Mama Coca, Mama Coca MamaCoca, mamacoca, mama-coca; pulverización

  • Indice: Cronologia  documentada de las fumigaciones 1978-2016 - Colombia, fumigación, fumigaciones, aspersión aérea, aspersiones aéreas, aerial spraying, épandage aérien, aspersión terrestre, backpack herbicide sprayers, coca, mata de coca, arbusto de coca, amapola, cánnabis, marihuana, marijuana, poppy, glifosato, glufosinato de amonio, Dyncorp, avionetas, mercenarios, envenenamiento, carcinógeno, acciones colectivas, reparación, demandas contra el Estado, drogas de origen vegetal, sustancias químicas, valor mítico y ritual, Hoja de Coca, sagrada, Kintú, café, tabaco,sustitución de cultivos, erradicación manual, control a las exportaciones, agenda de seguridad, comercio fructífero, Amazonía y coca, drogas, cadenas de valor de las mercancías

    Country:, Europe, FR

    City: 2.3387 , France

  • Marya - A bit of a pain but generally ok

    The usual unhappy marriage of convenience between Microsoft and Apple, where the best parts of each are unavailable to the other while they bring out the worst in each other. The Office suite is less elegantly designed & slightly harder to use under Apple's design restrictions, while Apple's own "elegance" interferes with function as well. I'm thinking at the moment about the clunky "ribbon" setup which isn't as clear on the Mac as it is on a PC, but there are too many examples to mention. That said, it works fairly well once you get used to it and if you have a Mac at home and PC at work, it is a necessary evil and it does let you get things done. It really seems to me, though, that in future I'll have to commit one way or the other, and with Apple's other interoperability limitations, it will have to be PC all the way from now on. Sigh.

  • MsUnique86 - Staying true to the music

    Love the album. I'm proud that he stays true to delivering a message rather a hit. I only buy music from artistic, passionate, ludicrous, free thinking and humble musician. Stay true to your music and your morals.

  • Werner Tuttle - This is an amazing resource getting you up and meditating right away!

    I was amazed at just how well this book worked for me. I always thought meditation would be really hard to learn. It seems like you need serious concentration ability and special powers to do it right. Well, this book takes away those barriers and shows you how you can jump right in and start making progress right away. It really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. The benefits of it are huge and hit just about every part of your life. I feel so much more relaxed, less stress, and more energy after starting this!

  • Geraldine - Fake perfume

    I purchased this perfume through the amazon website and was surprised and disappointed to receive a fake product. Thankfully amazon took charge of the situation and I received a refund. I will never order or buy perfume online again.

  • stktrader - Complaints not valid

    I bought Enhanced 2014 here last week for 174.00. I called today to set it up. I have used enhanced for several years since its inception. 3 employees version. Now I have 4 employees so the new system is less expensive than upgrading to unlimited older version. When you call in to set it up,assuming that you have a previous version of enhanced 2013, the attendant will delete the 2013 version and setup the 2014. You have to give a credit card to pay for employee checks beyond the 1st employee as the 1st is free. $2/employee per month plus sales tax. That is why they need your credit card to process that charge. Have the attendant remove you from the annual renewal purchase plan since you most likely buy it here or elsewhere. The overall plan for this year will cost me 266.00 for 4 employees. That is the cost of the program and the cost of 4 employees including all taxes. That is 5.12 per week or 1.28 per week for each employee check. That is very cheap considering all the monthly, quarterly and annual forms are filled out for you with a click of the mouse plus the payroll checks! Now i could save and do it like I used to; manually by hand. lol