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Initially, I tired this as an experiment and was pleasantly surprised to find out this REALLY works. Where I have been feeling too tired and run down to do anything after work, now I have alot of the energy and motivation that I used to have. I also haven't noticed any side effects.
This is exactly what I was looking for. I work in the medical field and already have coding experience. I wanted to be ahead of the curve for the ICD-10 changes and did not want to have to take a class. This book is perfect!
OK product, but l recently found another product that takes the colostrum in the first 12 hours and seems to be more potent.
My recent purchase of PeachTree 2011 was excellent. Fast response. The software was in excellent condition and I was able to register it as well. Works great and I am very satisfied with this purchase. Thank you.
Replaced an older version. Has been nothing but trouble. Required we change password and then it forgot the change. In the process lost a year of transactions. Then it decided it didn't like the second password. Overpriced software; and then they charge you to fix it, when it malfunctions. Back it up every time. When you restore from backup, it deletes more recent entries, so you loose data to recover data.