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Categories, Versandapotheke, Online-Apotheke, , -, Versandapotheke, Online-Apotheke, ,, Online-Apotheke, nach DIN EN ISO 9001 zertifizierte Versandapotheke. Neben den Artikeln, die im Shop gelistet sind, versenden wir auch (fast) alle in Deutschland zugelassenen Arzneimittel und apothekenüblichen Waren. Selbstverständlich lösen wir auch gerne Ihre Rezepte ein und übernehmen die Abwicklung mit Ihrer Krankenkasse,

Country:, Europe, DE

City: 9.491 , Germany

  • Jessie Sprinkle - Pet of the year

    I've always wanted a pet unicorn, and now I finally got one. This is a very low maintenance pet, breath life into it just once and it will love you forever. I was unaware of unicorn buoyancy prior to receiving this, and I am very happy with how well he keeps us both afloat on the waters of life. He is a great addition to my life and I'm proud to call this majestic creature mine.

  • Jose Bendayan - Excellent shoes. Great looks and comfort.

    Excellent shoes. Great looks and comfort. They are just a little bit smaller than other brands of the same size; however they fit well.

  • Amazon Customer - Great product

    I bought this for use on my cat and it is fantastic. I regularly brush my cat with a wire brush and this tool got tons and tons of hair off my cat. It is amazing. I dont write alot of reviews but I did for this product. My cat also loves it.