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American River Messenger | Home Page - American River Messenger is a community newspaper serving the areas of Fair Oaks, Carmichael, and Folsom focusing on local, County, and State news.

Country:, North America, US

City: -111.8906 Arizona, United States

  • Candy L. - Charging Update!

    Does not hold charge, but after talking to the company - you have to let it discharge completely before putting it back on the charger. Somewhat like a cell phone battery. They DO NOT TELL you anywhere about that little tidbit. Otherwise, it works rather well.

  • Judy - Hess never disappoints with their fleet of trucks.

    Truck arrived in excellent condition and my grandson loved the lights and actual sound of a real truck. So glad I was able to buy through Amazon since I moved from the east coast to the west and there are no Hess stations here. I know I could go to the Hess website but they sell out fast so I will be looking out for 2014 model through Amazon.