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The Flexitarian | Go Meat Free | Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes - The Flexitarian helps you go meat free with its vegetarian and vegan recipes. Eat less meat , get healthy , save the planet.

  • Features - - Eat less meat with a Flexitarian diet. The Flexitarian blog is about food, ethics, health and the environment. With flexitarianism you can enjoy being a flexible vegetarian.
  • Recipes - - Eat less meat with the Flexitarian, Vegetarian and Vegan recipes from The Flexitarian.
  • Recipes by Ingredient - - Browse our recipes by ingredient. Vegetarian, vegan and flexitarian recipes to go meat-free any day of the week.
  • Flexitarian Diet - - Find out if the flexitarian diet is for you. Flexitarians strive for a increased plant-based diet, higher animal welfare and care of the environment.
  • About Me - - The Flexitarian Blog is here to help you discover great vegetarian and vegan recipes (fully tried and tested but myself) and how to replace meat. It is not about not eating meat but about less of it. And when you do eat meat, well make sure it is good meat .
  • Mind & Mouth: Walk, Talk, Reflect and Taste - - Experience London in a different way - Mind & Mouth: Walk, Talk, Reflect and Taste
  • The Truth Behind Kids' Lunchboxes - #OutToLunchUK - - The Soil Association’s Out to Lunch campaign has published today a new league table ranking children’s food and drink at the UK’s top visitor attractions.

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  • K. Brown - NOT the same stuff I grew up on! Do NOT buy!!!

    I'm so disappointed! I thought I was getting the original first aid oinment but it says it's a skin protectant with spf4 sunscreen. If you're looking for the original Sayman Salve that was manufactured by Goody's in Winston Salem, this is NOT IT! I think Lee Pharm bought it and now Sheffield. I don't understand why they changed the ingredients but they removed the camphor.

  • MokaRoshell - beginners welcome

    I've never hunted a day in my life, but am learning so much while playing this game. Love customizing guns and levelling up