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ELO - Notícias do Grupo Sotreq | - Conheça a revisa ELO do Grupo Sotreq e saiba mais sobre os de equipamentos dos segmentos da construção, mineração, petrolífero, agropecuário e muito mais.

Country:, North America, US

City: -83.4646 Michigan, United States

  • Becca - Calming!

    This appears to do exactly what it claims to do. I've been taking this for about a week, and have noticed I'm more relaxed and my anxiety doesn't seem to get to me much. I feel similar results using this as I do using a prescription anxiety drug. I don't need anxiety meds every day, but it works for those occasional anxiety attacks. I was able to purchase this item at a discount or free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. I realize a lot of you don't take reviewers who receive discounts seriously, thinking we are paid off to give a good review. That is simply not the case, I usually pay about half the cost of the item, so I am paying for most items, and I wouldn't do so just to write good reviews if the items didn't warrant it, as I don't want to throw away money any more than you do.

  • norman891 - Phil Collins at his best

    One of my favorite Phil Collins or Genesis songs, my favorite being "In the Air Tonight". I like the album version better because its a bit longer.

  • ggrace - IWalk 2.0 Observations

    I bought the iWalk for recovery from ankle surgery. I was non-weight bearing for 3 months. I used both a knee scooter and the iWalk. Once I got used to the iWalk, the scooter was dumped into a corner because it was a strain on the neck, arms and back and required "wide open spaces" to navigate. And I found the scooter to be unstable: any little crack in the sidewalk or a rock will stop the wheels and you risk flying over the handlebars!

  • Clare West - It Works !

    This product was suggested to me by my doctor and I have been so grateful. It is the only product that seems to help with allergies for me . Only sorry it is so expensive. I hope the company did not raise prices because of all the great reviews