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    These bike shoes fit great! After learning how to properly pedal with them, I notice how advantageous they are! I used to get numb left big toe area numbness. My pedaling efficiency has improved greatly over just using my regular shoes with the strap pedals. Highly recommended for those who have normal to narrow sized feet.

  • Ariel - Not as much exercise as I anticipated

    I did read reviews carefully, and noted that several people thought it really wasn't any exercise at all, but I also watched some videos online where people seemed to be working up a sweat on it. Since I am woefully out of shape and somewhat overweight (5'8", 195 pounds, size 14, 53 years old), I thought it'd be exercise for me, if only non-intense. A knee injury plus plantar fasciitis makes any kind of moderate to high impact impossible and painful for me.

  • Jasz - Can't find the defects

    Fits perfectly. Great condition. I actually couldn't tell where the cosmetic defects are. It looks new and cost quite a bit less. Great buy!

  • 2Majesties - Masochistic Excess

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  • Bmilli89 - Worth IT!!!!

    I was very hesitant to buy these on amazon. I was afraid they wouldn't fit or they wouldn't be the same quality I could get at dealership. I'm so glad I took the chance though. They fit my 2016 Subaru Forester. It took very little effort to get them on. its just simply clip them in place and use the included wrench to bolt them down. They do have a little noise from the wind but it isn't very loud. I ended up saving about 60-100 by buying these on amazon and not at the dealership.

  • Jon Perry - The foam around the mask is not very comfortable after a few minutes of wear

    The foam around the mask is not very comfortable after a few minutes of wear. Would prefer a better way to adjust eye focus.