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  • Christian Castillo - i hate this FAKKEEEEE FAKEE BEWARE

    Fake please dont waist your time like i did... real macadamia is yellow not white and watery never again!!! BEWARE

  • Cara Valeska - Its Ok

    The product works I just feel like I have dry mouth all day when I am done using it. It could just be me, I don't know.

  • joebell24 - The Very Best of Pink Floyd

    Pink Floyd’s The Wall clearly earned its prestigious reputation by taking the listener on an intense journey that portrays a story of a man whose life has been defined by abandonment and isolation. It’s no surprise that this album quickly rose to the #1 spot of every international sales chart by 1980, and to this day remains one of the best albums to ever bless the genre. Following the 1968 departure of front man Syd Barrett, the group struggled to pick up the pieces until their guitarist, Roger Waters, emerged as a new leader. Following their legendary creations of chart-topping albums in the 70’s like Wish You Were Here, Animals, and, of course, The Dark Side of the Moon, an idea hatched from Waters’ mind that created another masterpiece seen in The Wall. What makes this album resonate so much with me is the fact that this, like many of Pink Floyd’s other albums, is what is called a “concept album.” This means that it was meant to be listened to from start to beginning because every song connects in both overall plot and musical theme, as opposed to typical albums that have one individual song after another. So, if you’ve got 81 minutes to kill on a rainy day, I highly suggest listening to this beast in one sitting.

  • Jimmy - Thorough Book for Iceland Travels

    This book has everything you need for Iceland. I began bookmarking pages for my trip and learned of some hidden secrets and places to book, from this little book at good prices. I usually use Airbnb for all my travels, but sometimes you wont find smaller owned places by older people. This book has those people you can email.

  • Bobby Robertson - great ford product

    Love these Matts factory fit. They hold the junk on them just great. I will always have these in every truck I get I have so far and like I said love them. They are worth there weight in gold lol. I'm happy can't ya tell

  • Michael - USELESS!!

    I am a research guru. So disappointed that I purchased this model. ISE was highly recommended by my plumber as well and I could not be more disappointed. This unit is quiet but has no power. There is no suction and it takes a long time for water to even drain in it after being turned on. I have had many disposals before and most have been ISE. This one is the worst. I may as well have left the old and inexpensive unit that was in my home when I bought it. It did a better job! Will be returning it and going for the Waste King Legend Series or the ISE 1 hp.