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  • J. Musil - J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax 2014

    I would never consider doing my taxes or even having them done by someone else before I have read the newest edition of J. K. Lasser's Your Income Tax every year. I use Turbo tax, but you need to understand exactly what you are doing so that you get all your benefits and understand what you putting down. It is more important right now than ever before because the tax laws have gotten so hard to understand and so messed up that you can trip up and make a mistake very easily. There are even inconsistencies in the laws so that you need at least one excellent book to understand what you want to do and what you do not want to do.

  • J. Gypton - I'm really impressed with the kit and the beer it makes

    My wife got me this for my birthday last month, and I was really excited about trying it out...which, like a kid with a new toy, I did almost immediately. The instructions are easy to follow and the components are easy to assemble and use -- I had my first batch (of 'Cowboy Lager') sitting in the keg after about 45 minutes of reading and work in the kitchen.