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  • John M. Couvillon - Very good read

    The author does a very good job of detailing the "behind the scenes" action from both candidates, including President Obama's "get out the vote" apparatus. Must buy for the political junkies out there !

  • leishadaniel - and felt like I was living it with them

    Watched all 11 seasons in about 6 weeks, and felt like I was living it with them. A week after finishing season 11, I'm still devastated that they would kill Derek off so quickly and without much closure. I just kept praying that Merideth would wake up from her 5 o'clock 'freak out' and it would have all been just her thinking of the worst case scenario. I guess I still keep wishing it would happen, after all, we did go through a year and a half worth of time in a few short episodes, why not go backward too! Although it felt like the series would go on forever previously, now I'm not so sure. I don't think it will ever be the same, but I do still love most of the characters, so for me it's still worth watching for now...