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Categories - Domain and Website DNS Information Review - Get A, NS, AAAA, CNAME and MX records for Check host, class and ttl for cipro-aid.

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  • Bookworm555 - Alien Dragons! Enough said

    I borrowed this book with Kindle Unlimited. I love this series but be warned each individual story is very short and the Dragons of Preor are a continuation of the Ujal series. I read this after binge reading the Ujal series and it makes for a great continuation with re-occurring characters from previous books. As with the Ujal all of the characters appear in each of the books even though each book focuses on an individual couple and their unique story.

  • SpoiledMiss - It does work, but so does calorie counting and exercise.

    I ordered this initially from a distributor and for some reason I thankfully did not get caught up in the auto-ship. I did ob well the first shipment which lasted me about 5 weeks and have lost 10 pounds. I lost the weight through calorie counting and exercise, not just shakes alone. My initial email from my distributor told me to consume 1100-1200 calories a day, that would make anyone lose weight fast, duh. I said screw that and found my ideal calories from My Fitness Pal and went to work. I will not lie, after the first few days of shakes and snacks, I was starving/famished even. I then found better snack choices including a poached egg over dry toast, tasty and filling to get me through the beginning. I now dont need the heavy duty snacks and do great with Laughing Cow soft cheese and wheat crackers. I dont do the shakes everyday, it's really hard when I am feeding my daughter to try and drink a shake while she has something of substance to eat. I have started making healthier choices for dinner, including a lot of salads but all of this is stuff you can do without the shakes. I only continue them because it's so much easier to make a shake than trying to find another meal option that fills me up with so little calories.

  • Everyday Guy - An EPIC Fail by any measure

    I've been using Quicken for over 20 years and can't understand how a product that once was excellent has turned into horrible. From lost data to inaccurate totals, the inability to handle complex or large numbers of stock transactions the product is no longer usable. I've spent countless hours on the phone ( with folks in India) who are always "is there anything else I can help you with" yet the promised responses/fixes never occur and the software just continues to get worse.. I have a high end i7 PC and the software runs painfully slow. I know this is due to my high volume of transactions (yeah I've got a lot of history with Quicken) but the only recommendation I could get was archive your data and start fresh. I did and 14 months later again I spend most of my time waiting for calculations to process or seeing "Not Responding" in the title bar.Like many other users, I'm at wits end and would change in a HEARTBEAT to a competitor software. QUICKEN -PLEASE fix it in 2015!!!!!!

  • Anderson Theofilo Farias Braga Paiva - Livro Windows Server 2012 Unleashed

    On the recommendation of Professional friends in the area of ​​IT. Great product exceeded my expectations. I really enjoyed my purchase. I am very satisfied.

  • dalit cohen - i think it works

    i definitely see less fallout after i shower and comb my hair. i don't like the smell so much but since i feel like it helps i'll keep using it. i don't use it as directed on bottle,i just use it at night every other night when i know i am shampooing in the morning and i still think it works for me, hair feels thicker and healthier. give it a try.

  • Jewels - Zapped yeast infection in mouth.

    I've struggled with yeast infections off and on for years. Last August I got one from taking an antibiotic and it never went away despite many 'pink pills' from my doctor. Then about a month ago I had to go on another antibiotic for a severe sinus infection. As a result my yeast infection became unbearable and I got a yeast infection in my mouth. That was it for me. I started researching. I already took acidophilus and had been for years. I didn't see cutting out sugar completely as an option (my husband's deployed to Iraq, this is not a good time to give up comfort food!). Then I stumbled across a website listing all the symptoms of candida. I felt like someone had been taking note of all of my complaints for the last 15 years! Then I found a mention of Threelac. After much research on Threelac and reading all of the reviews I decided to give it a try. I especially liked the review that said they didn't change their diet at all! After taking Threelac for about 9-10 days the infection in my mouth was completely gone! I'm almost done with the first box and am ordering my second. The yeast infection is slowly getting better, but I've had it for so long it's not suprising it's taking longer. And I'm starting to notice other things. I don't wake up in need of a neck and shoulder massage and my morning headaches are much better. I'm not feeling as fuzzy headed and I'm starting to have more energy. I started off taking one per day, then after a couple days moved up to two, then after another couple days moved up to three. But after a couple days of taking three a day I became SUPER constipated. So I moved back down to two and I am doing really well on two. It's a slow improvement but I figure this is to be expected considering I've had these symptoms for 15 or more years and I'm still eating brownies!!

  • Kerry - Hmm...

    I have heard amazing things about this product from both men and women. The Pinterest world was buzzing about it's benefits, so I figured I would give it a go. I wish I would have ordered it from Aveda. Here is why: the box was completely disfigured and looked like someone had literally stepped on it. There was no proof that it had not been used (ex:a seal to break or plastic covering). A little disappointed in the seller but am ok with the product itself.