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Cardiotim Timisoara-Lugoj-Caransebes - Clinica si spital de cardiologie in Timisoara, Lugoj si Caransebes. Cardiotim este condusa de renumitul medic cardiolog Dr. Milovan SLOVENSKI.

  • Medici | Cardiotim Cardiologie - ECHIPA CARDIOTIM: Dr. Milovan SLOVENSKI, medic primar cardiologie, competenta cardiologie interventionala Dr. Ioana CIOABA, medic specialist
  • Dr. Alexandru GHEORGHIU | Cardiotim Cardiologie - Dr. Alexandru GHEORGHIU, medic specialist cardiologie,competenta cardiologie interventionala
  • Dr. Corina STIRBAN | Cardiotim Cardiologie - Dr. Corina STIRBAN, medic primar cardiologie, competenta ultrasonografie vasculara
  • Dr. Magdalena POSA | Cardiotim Cardiologie - Dr. Magdalena POSA, Medic specialist Alergologie si Imunologie Clinica Sistemul imunitar apara organismul de agenti interni si externi. Functionarea
  • Dr. Mihaela Gheorghiu | Cardiotim Cardiologie - Dr. Mihaela Gheorghiu, Medic specialist cardiolog, competenta in cardiologie interventionala
  • Dr. Milovan Slovenski | Cardiotim Cardiologie - Dr. Milovan SLOVENSKI, medic primar cardiologie, competenta cardiologie interventionala
  • Servicii | Cardiotim Cardiologie - ;;;Efectuam: ;;; ;nn; Investigatii neinvazive:;;;Investigatii invazive: ;;;Proceduri interventionale: ;nn; Electrocardiograma de repaus
  • Investigatii neinvazive/invazive | Cardiotim Cardiologie - Investigatii neinvazive: Electrocardiograma de repaus (ECG) Electrocardiorama de efort (test de efort) Ecografie cardiaca Monitorizare holter ECG/24
  • Coronografia | Cardiotim Cardiologie - Coronarografia (angiocoronarografia) este o procedura diagnostica care utilizeaza razele X si o substanta de contrast in vederea vizualizarii anatomiei
  • Proceduri interventionale | Cardiotim Cardiologie - Angioplastie coronariana cu balon Angioplastie coronariana cu implant de stent metalic simplu (BMS) Angioplastie coronariana cu implant de stent activ
  •  Spital | Cardiotim Cardiologie - STR. FRANYO ZOLTAN, NR. 6 Consultatii:;;;Programari:;nn; Dr. Milovan SLOVENSKI Dr. Dan GAVRILESCU Prof. Dr. Mirela TOMESCU Dr. Istvan GYALAI Dr.
  • Timisoara | Cardiotim Cardiologie - Contact: Adresa: Strada Divizia 9 Cavalerie nr. 25 (vis-a-vis de Dedeman)   Consultatii:;;;Programari:;nn; Dr. Milovan Slovenski Dr.
  • Lugoj | Cardiotim Cardiologie - STR. BUCEGI, NR. 11 Consultatii:;;;Programari:;nn; Dr. Andreea EMBER Dr. Adelina SABAU Dr. Cioaba Ioana Dr. Gheorghiu Alexandru Dr. Tustean
  • Caransebes | Cardiotim Cardiologie - STR. LIBERTATII, NR.41 Consultatii:;;;Programari:;nn; Dr. Milovan Slovenski Dr. Luka Alen Dr. Gheorghiu Alexandru Dr. Tustean Eugenia ;;
  • Afectiuni | Cardiotim Cardiologie - Cardiopatia ischemica Hipertensiunea arteriala Hipertensiune renovasculara Insuficienta cardiaca Boala arteriala carotidiana si
  • Cardiopatia ischemica | Cardiotim Cardiologie - CE ESTE CARDIOPATIA ISCHEMICA? Cardiopatia ischemica este o afectiune cauzata de modificari la nivelul vaselor de sange care iriga muschiul inimii (miocard),
  • Hipertensiunea arteriala | Cardiotim Cardiologie - Ce este hipertensiune arteriala (HTA)? Hipertensiunea arteriala (HTA) este cea mai frecvent intalnita afectiune cardiovasculara, incidenta acesteia in tarile
  • Hipertensiune renovasculara | Cardiotim Cardiologie - Hipertensiune renovasculara este una dintre cele mai des intalnite cauze de hipertensiune arteriala secundara, afectand intre 1-5% dintre pacientii hipertensivi
  • Insuficienta cardiaca | Cardiotim Cardiologie - Insuficienta cardiaca este o afectiune care se caracterizeaza prin incapacitatea cordului de a indeplini in mod adecvat functia de pompa, respectiv de a asigura
  • Boala arteriala carotidiana si vertebrala | Cardiotim Cardiologie - Accidentele vasculare cerebrale (AVC) reprezinta prima cauza de handicap si respectiv a treia cauza de deces dupa cardiopatia ischemica si bolile neoplazice in

    Country:, North America, US

    City: -87.6551 Illinois, United States

  • LilyWoolf - Night sweats stopped immediately.

    Night sweats stopped immediately. So happy to have an easy-to-use product that helps me sleep without flop sweating up the sheets and my clothes.

  • Amanda Knotts - So glad I went with Sole

    This treadmill is exactly what I wanted. I debated between this and the F80 for months. I did a ton of research and ultimately decided that they were extremely similar except for the deck size and a few other features I wouldn't use anyway. This is the best SOLID treadmill you can get for the money. Doesn't feel like some cheap thing you'd use at a hotel somewhere. Near gym quality other than a slightly smaller belt than the massive ones at the gym. I bought at Dick's Sporting Goods, and the customer service was not so great--but the treadmill is one of the best investments I've ever made in myself.

  • Vivian - But it is too bad that it didn't work for me completely

    I tried 2 bottles and they didn't stop the leak, they only reduced the amount of leakage. The fluid is definitely more viscous than Dexron III. The first time I used it, I topped off with most of the first bottle. I did notice that the amount of leakage was smaller. After consuming the rest of the first bottle, the leak continued, but at a slower rate, so I ordered the second bottle. With most of the second bottle consumed, the leakage was definitely much less than the original amount prior to using this product. But it is too bad that it didn't work for me completely.

  • Kale - Works well

    Over time this is working well. I just wish that they continued with the spray bottle instead of this eye-dropper feature. It's a pain to put on. The Rogaine seems to drip all over. I purchased a travel sized spray bottle and transfer the liquid so I can spray my spot.

  • Faxanadu - Overall a good Lemon Salt & Pepper

    Not bad - lemon flavor is there - but use in moderation - as it is a bit strong. The pepper is a bit lacking - more salt than pepper - but really works well for seasoning fish, chicken, even scrambled eggs. Larger container is a much better buy. One of the better McCormick products out there.