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Categories - BENLYSTA? (belimumab): FDA-Approved Treatment for Lupus - View - Learn about BENLYSTA, the first FDA-approved treatment for lupus in over 50 years.

Country:, North America, US

City: -94.566 Missouri, United States

  • Happy Shopper - It is sturdy and truly even cheese won't stick to it

    This is a must-have for casserole cooks. It is sturdy and truly even cheese won't stick to it. I've been using it for years since it was first on the market, even at higher prices. As soon as I open the last one in stock, I reorder.

  • Amazon Customer - KCCC does work for 4a hair!!!

    I love this product and use the entire KC range on my natural hair! My hair is 4a and this product helps to define my curls and coils beautifully. I've noticed that some of the reviewers are saying that this product does not work for their 4-something hair. The real problem is that some people don't know their hair type. 4a hair has S shaped strands with small but with a defined curls/coils pattern and 4b hair generally has Z-shaped strands with no defined curl or coil pattern.

  • Cathy 2House - Really worked for me!

    First, let me say that I read through all the reviews of this product before trying it. I was pretty surprised to find that a great number of the women who wrote about this had not even tried it, but were using this system as a place to air their political and ideological viewpoints. Hey, ladies, I DO NOT CARE about your personal ideology, I want to know if this product actually works or not. I'm a big girl now, I can make my own decisions about whether to support an advertising campaign or not.