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  • Curious Mind - Better than her old prescription oxycodone

    My wife was in two accidents, one in a car and the other a transit - both had other people driving. And she also had minor injuries from before. She is in pain all the time.

  • Sally Ford - you can just see how beautiful these babies look

    It's very fair to say I was looking for some really good sound but knowing I had a budget for gym I had to make sure I get something that fits the bill. I decided to go for this product due to all the reviews, personally I don't wirte reviews but I had no option this product was AMAZING!! I opened the packaging to find a very impressive looking box and once opened you can just see how beautiful these babies look. I usually love the sound of music and currently use bose headphones so finding something with similar quality for gym under 30 quid would have been impossible. As soon as I put them in my ear the noise isolation was impressive. But then I connected it to my phone which took 3 seconds and I was blown away with the sound quality it's unbelievably unexpected I was really impressed and they stay in your ears all the way through the running the jumping the calistheincs everything trust me I know a good set of headphone and these heads are amazing, second to my girlfriend

  • The Garbone - If bleeding persists visit a physician...

    Found this in the stall at the local public restroom. Half the pages were already missing but I found what was left more than enough to accomplish what I needed to get done.

  • Amazon Customer - Absolutely unimpressed!!!

    Now I bought this for my three year old son with the hope that I would move him away from using my phone and focus on something that is educational.( Background note, my son has been using the computer since he was 1 1/2 years so he knows his way around technology.)

  • gcbist - the best hair gunk ever

    Over the years I have purchased many, many "hair gel" products. This one works for me the very best. I have been using it for probably 5 years now. It's not always easy to find in retail, but on Amazon, it's always there!

  • J.M.I - buy it!! Great price for a wonderful tv

    Bought this tv for our room and the quality is so great. The picture is crisp, installing it was a Breeze not a single negative thing to say. Very thin the legs are sturdy and sound is great. Great price on a fabulous television. Highly recommended