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Strojírna Oslavany spol. s r.o. – Kvalita na hlavní koleji - STROJÍRNA OSLAVANY, spol. s r.o. je dominantním českým výrobcem a dodavatelem tlumičů pro podvozky veškerých kolejových vozidel.

Country:, Europe, CZ

City: 14.6724 Central Bohemia, Czechia

  • J. Waldman - Great software - Horrible company - Horrible registration

    I must say that the Quickbooks software is truly great; HOWEVER Intuit is a major pain. First there is the constant selling of services in the software itself. It is just like all the free-ware that DELL puts on their computers. Secondly, they let you buy the software and come out with a new version 1 month later with no free upgrade and then to upgrade you need to spend another $150 or so (depending on where you get it). After all is said and done I paid twice (essentially) for the same piece of software.

  • Michael Stwertnik - The box fits great but after only a few weeks of use the ...

    The box fits great but after only a few weeks of use the bottom started to separate from the top part. I thought my sub was blown at first because it would rattle and sounded terrible. Finally while messing around with it I felt air come out of the seem and realized it was separated. I guess I cant complain too much because of the price but I will probably be taking it apart and putting it back together with wood glue and screws.