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  • John - Works incredible.

    I bought this at the local Advanced Auto. By far the best remover I've ever used and will probably never use another type again.

  • Amazon Customer - i can say this is best book to use for preparation

    This book is well done compared to others i have seen. i can say this is best book to use for preparation. However my recommendation is that it need to be smaller for easy use and portable or can be a pocket. i mean it can handled easier everywhere i goes. This book is a bit bigger for now maybe half downsized will be great. Just my recommendation.

  • mike - I am one of those many crazy people who like to watch the cyst

    I am one of those many crazy people who like to watch the cyst, boil, pimple popping videos. I can be on YouTube for hours watching videos like that. My boyfriend is the opposite. He is totally grossed out by it. He would not even get a pimple on me if I asked him to. However just like me he loves this product. It helps remove white and black heads quick and painlessly. Before meeting me almost 3 years ago he never heard of a such things as a pimple extractor. Before getting this product I only had the one. Now I have 5 and couldn't love it more. It makes getting pimples of all sizes super easy. The pimples come out super easy when using the right size extractor. It also makes it painless because you no longer have to constantly squeeze your pimple trying to get it out. I recommend this to everyone. Especially teenagers or anyone prone to acne. I do reviews for Amazon products like this one in return for a discount. However I don't do reviews for the discount. I do them because like most people, before I buy a product I like to read what others feel and think about the product. It helps decide on whether the product is what I looking for and whether or not it is worth the price. So never in my reviews will I be anything but honest. I work hard for my money and I hate wasting it on things that don't work or aren't as described.

  • reddog - unhappy

    I thought i would try a cheaper brand & that's exactly what i got,after buying and downloading this product my computer slowed to a crawl plus their popups are all the place,couldn't reach anyone for help when i finally did after about a week,all they said was i should buy a more expensive upgrade,are you kidding me,they actually think i would do that. in my opinion this product is total crap.i am going back too the product i had before that works & return this one. VERY UNHAPPY!! p/s it's not amazons has always been great.

  • June - This works great.

    This book is an easy and quick read. Chapter 7 is titled Dr. Fife's Oil Pulling Therapy. I recommend that you read this chapter 1st then start with chapter 1. The success stories of others are interesting. Each person will definitely have a different experience . I have been oil pulling consistently for 6 weeks and I have noticed improvements. I use Coconut Oil that is organic, virgin, and unrefined. I feel the coconut oil flavor is a lot easier to use especially if you like coconut.

  • Riley - ... very hectic and some of them are more than easy. There are 30 strategies and tips which are ...

    There are many ways of earning but some of them are very hectic and some of them are more than easy. There are 30 strategies and tips which are amazing. This guide book is one of that book which provides you information about earning passive income through very simplest way that would be very tough to do. There has been taught very easy procedure of making online money and manifested ways of utilizing multiple income sources and become financially free. Throughout informative guide book.