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Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases | Home page - <p>The official journal of Orphanet, the international portal for rare diseases and orphan drugs, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases is an open access, online journal that encompasses all aspects of rare diseases and orphan drugs. The journal publishes high quality reviews solicited from experts in the field and also considers research on rare diseases and results of clinical trials of exceptional interest.</p>

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  • H. R. Jurmann - Mostly useless

    I was quite happy with Roxio 7.5 but it would not work in Windows 7 so I bought the Roxio 2011. It was a massively bloated file, difficult to create CDs from my LP collection. Installation gave me the lot and did not allow a 'Custom' installation so most of it was useless to me. Finally, to cap it off, it caused my 'air card' to malfunction so that I could not connect to the net. As a consequence, I had to uninstall (air card connection returned immediately) and now have a useless program. How bad can it get?

  • RLD 1427 - Back in Business

    I was leary of buying and changing this out myself, but turned out to be very easy. Did it last summer and still seems to be working great.

  • Vicki - 6 year old boy and his little sister LOVE Diggin' up Dinosaurs

    I went to the dinosaur thing and when I saw it, I loved it. I was excited to do it. And when I went back to Gami and Popo's house and when i went home with my dad and sister i forgot it and the next day I asked Gami if I forgot it and she said yes so me and my little sister named Brie, we worked together to get it done. It was a fun discovery. I am 6 years old and my little sister is 4 years old. The end.

  • David Barlaam - Great, even for not quite yet 3 year olds!

    Our daughter who just turned 3 in April has had her "c'puter" (Leappad) since Christmas of 2011 and is amazing on it. She really "gets it" even though it is rated for 4+. Maybe the rating is more about avoiding her walking around with the leappad obediently following her on its "leash" as she likes to do, dragging it by the stylus and cord... not as much about the games. I like that its rugged, the apps are at least somewhat adaptive, and she can play to her heart's content without much worry on our part due to potential content or accidental setting changes. It also talks her through her options, rather that just expecting her to know where to go on her own... She really loves it, and honestly, so do we!

  • Bernadette M M - Cracking the ACT Book

    After reading the on line description I believed it was worth ordering. I liked what I saw in the chapters, and our high school counselor also liked it. Once a student ascertains their strengths and weaknesses, they can work on improving their ACT scores. I will encourage my daughter to use this book before she retakes the ACT.

  • roland tabije - sturdy, and solid compared to others I've had to ...

    The carseat was very light, sturdy, and solid compared to others I've had to install. Very simple yet secure. Material was really good quality. I liked the anti-rebound bar too. All the straps and buckles were well concealed and organized. Would've been nice if the seat came with some padding for the straps especiall for the price you pay. Only concern I had was if the carseat got dirty w/ stains/spills, how we would be able to clean it thuroughly. The material was supposed to be so good that anything could just be wiped off. I had to return it though because although it had all the nice features that I was looking for, it was still too tall/long for our H3 Hummer and 3 Series BMW for rear facing for the driver and passenger to sit comfortably.

  • Kimberly O. - I was skeptical but...

    I dance a lot, I'm clumsy, and I take unnecessary risks. Between those three, I use vats of biofreeze. During the latest prime day, I kept my eye out for biofreeze but it never went on sale. I used the search function for "biofreeze" and this came up. I took a chance on it. When I received it, I was very unimpressed by the ingredients. The research on MSM in humans, for example, isn't very convincing. One day I had a fair amount of pain from overexerting my shoulder and the Penetrex was nearby but the biofreeze was far away so I used it and nothing happened. It didn't help much. But holy cow, I woke up the next day feeling like good as new! So, I'm a total convert and buying the bulk (12 oz) packages now. I use it whenever I tweak something (for example, lifting my 1 and 4 year old kids) or overuse a muscle, which is a lot! Quite a few times I thought "there is no way that it will put a dent in the pain I'm going to feel tomorrow" and was surprised to have only a small amount of stiffness, if any. I have been an avid dancer for years so I know my body and what kind of pain to expect well, so I'm confident that it is the Penetrex and not that I would have woken up feeling good anyway. I do still use biofreeze for short term pain relief.