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HealthPro - Central Ohio's Largest and Leading Provider of Professional Medical Services. HealthPro Homecare is a full service home health agency providing Consistent Quality Care to all clients.When you call HealthPro HomeCare our professional intake coordinator will help you determine your exact needs. We work closely with the client, family, physician, and health care providers to design a health care program to fit your needs. Beyond professional qualifications we emphasize the human qualities of warmth and compassion. We take special care to matchup the skills and personalities of our staff to your specific requirements.

Country:, North America, US

City: -81.3397 Florida, United States

  • Nikki - So far, so good

    I have not taken the NCLEX-PN yet, but this has done well as a study guide so far (taking it next month, so my opinion may change!) I did use it some during the course and it was very helpful with some of the information. I do wish there was more to it, but it is great as an overview of everything.

  • MBaby - Makes a change from the Rubik's cube!

    Bought for my 13 year old son. He loves it and it looks so expensive and stylish. He says the cubes slide so easily and smoothly.

  • Valerie Martie - Even products saying better than proactive

    This is the second time I ordered this product. I suffered for many years with acne. Over the years I have used many acne solutions by clearasil, neutrogena, clinique, proactive, exposed skin care, burts bees acne solution, you name it. Even products saying better than proactive. Yet it's like every product I used open my pores more, dried up my face, irritated my face, and made me break out more. In two weeks of using Keeva my face was clearing up. In a month my face was completely cleared up. My scars was slightly visible. I was happy to say the bumps went away from my face. This product does fade the old and new scars so that's a plus. I love that my face doesn't feel greasy and I can easily apply my make-up. For those that breakout using make up which i do breakout after using certain makeup, I have tried putting keeva before makeup and it works wonders. It doesn't breakout my face. To be brutally honest when Keeva ran out within that week my face broke out a bit. I suppose since your face gets used to a product. But I went and ordered it again and my face cleared up rather quickly after i received it. So if this works for you and you know your running out, order it quickly to prevent acne from coming back. So I give it five stars for working miracles on my face and bringing back my confidence but giving it a 4 for it being small. I wish we get a bigger jar of keeva for that price ;) Good luck and hope this review helps someone out there with the same problem just remember to be consistent with this product.