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  • Faye McB - Not only does this stuff smell great.....

    It feels so good! My 53 year old skin feels fresh and smooth and plump and dewy. This line of products is amazing. I am allergicc to many fragrances and though this poduct has a scent, it is so fresh and natural I wish I could just smell it all of the time. Good Stuff!

  • J. R. Depeaux - Saved my humanity!

    So, after I sold my left kidney to pick up one of these cables, only to find out the picture and sound were no better than they were with my trusty old 


    Has your career path put you in a position where you need to know how to use AutoCAD? If it has, then this book is for you. Authors Bill Fane and David Byrnes, have done an outstanding job of writing a book that truly gets you going quickly with AutoCAD.

  • Dominic J. Monopoli - Better than the Maclaren

    I love this stroller. My husband has a Maclaren Triumph and I always felt my 11 month old looked uncomfortable in it. If I could have given the Uppababy 4.5 stars I would have due to the fact that there is no viewing window in the canopy. Other than that this stroller is perfect. It stands on it's own, it is light, the foot rest adjusts, the back adjusts, the material is high quality and easy to wipe down...I could go on and on. The Uppababy is a far better choice than the Maclaren in my opinion.