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KLINICARE PHARMACIES - Home - All Klinicare Pharmacies, situated in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and Despatch, conform to the same high standards. Our branches are staffed by Qualified Pharmacists, Pharmacists' Assistants and knowledgeable Front-shop staff. Our Medical Aid Controllers assist clients in obtaining Chronic Medicine Authorisations, as well as processing Medical Aid claims on their behalf. We offer a Baby and Wellness Clinic Service to the community as well as a Travel Medicine Clinic Service. Our Travel Clinics is a World Health Organisation approved Yellow Fever innoculation centre.

Country:, Africa, ZA

City: 24 , South Africa

  • Ken Allen - Signed, Sealed, Delivered

    How do I love thee Amazon let count the ways. I am not an impulse buyer, I don't fall in love with the first thing I see. I have had too many instances of buyers remorse as a younger man, so now I research, research and then research some more. There were a billion sales going on during the 2013 Christmas period and fortunately I had enough resolve to wait. I am so glad I did. First of all how can you not love free shipping on something that weighs slightly less than a Mini Cooper. The Proform 505 is a very heavy duty piece of machinery and shipping and delivery during the holidays was $150 to $200. The savings in shipping alone has made me very happy. I ordered on a Friday and received it on the following Thursday in the AM. The box was clean and crisp and there was no visible damage to the exterior of the box. Upon opening you could see everything was meticulously packed and instructions visible and secured to the main component. I pride myself on being able to assemble products without reading the instructions, but this time I broke guy code and read the directions. The product was delivered at 9:00am, I started assembly at 9:30 am and was complete by 12:00pm. It was very easy to assemble and I was able to do so by myself. A second person would have been helpful as this machine is very heavy, but there are only two instances where you need to turn the machine on its side and one person can do that easily. During the two and a half hour assembly period, I answered calls, e-mails, and had a snack, fed the dogs and threw out all the packing materials. Actual assembly time was probably closer to an hour and a half.

  • John P. - Still not compatible with windows7 or office 2010

    I just got done spending an hour with tech support for intuit trying to resolve the issues that I've been having. I've been patiently waiting to upgrade QuickBooks to version 2011 to resolve the issues I've been experiencing. The conclusion is that QuickBooks is not in some fashion compatible with widows 7 64 bit and office 2010 64 bit. Seems very interesting that the resolution to my problems is to downgrade to 32 bit versions of both. I know that I am not the only person with 64 bit versions of office and windows. It seems to me that a logical choice for a business investing in new hardware would purchase windows 7 64bit with office 2010 64bit. Intuit's own software compatibility states that QuickBooks pro 2011 is compatible with Excel 2010 where it is obviously not. I have display issues with QuickBooks (Words extending out of the text boxes and weird scroll bars in the middle of the screen), blank error messages (Can't figure that one out. A little hard to diagnose without a code of some kind), and incompatibility with excel issues (Can't export quarterly reports to excel). These are the exact same issues that I had with my previous version of QuickBooks. Nothing has been fixed. This was a total waste of my money.