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    Country:, Europe, GB

    City: -0.1224 , United Kingdom

  • Pageman - Worked very well

    Installed this on 3 computers without any issues. It found and removed a bunch of maleware along with some trojen viruses. I did not experience any performance issues on any of the computers it was installed on. Only reason this is not rated a 5 is that I found the interface was not intuitive requiring me to read the help. I also needed to contact support, which I would rate a 5.

  • Mark D. - Good

    Good stuff. The tablets are individually wrapped. Easy to unwrap. The good news is it cuts down on that powerful smell when you open the canister. The bad news is it takes a little longer to get the chlorinator full. Not a big deal tho.

  • Neha Ali - Nails don't chip like they used to

    These have to be one thing I must have in my daily diet. My hair and nails are so much stronger. Nails don't chip like they used to. I was shedding a lot of hair, and these helped so much. My second purchase! Will keep using them.