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National Human Resources Association | Jobs, News, Networking and Training - Human resources (HR) association offering national connection services for HR professionals looking advancement training, jobs, networking, employment, career development or need HRM advertising opportunities.

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  • Shirley Britt - This doggone SWEET SWEAT!

    OK...I am a write your review virgin..And this is my 1st experience. So bare with me. I am most definitely, the type of person that holds NO PUNCHES..I SPEAK straight up. This doggone SWEET SWEAT!!!...does what it says it does!!...I did ZUMMMBA! ...class the other day...And I HAVE NEVER...SWEATED LIKE THAT IN MY LIFE!!...I LOVE IT!! those who have left....somewhat discouraging comments...I say to you...(in my Dr. Spock voice..aka...Capt. Kirk right hand man)...THAT IS ILLOGICAL!!!...#BEAMMEUPSCOTTIE!!

  • Luv to read - Save your money

    Poor,poor,poor reception. Much background noise. I guess this is a perfect example of you get what you pay for...

  • Amazon Customer - Not sure if this product is the real thing. ...

    Not sure if this product is the real thing. There were several spelling mistakes on the back of the label. Made me think it was not the actual product. Be careful buying this...