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Get The Tools - The Nuts & Bolts of Men's Health - This website discusses the nuts & bolts of kiwi mens health. Get the tools is a mens health initiative under Cancer Society NZ and provides advice and support for men, their partners, children, workplace and communities. The topics range from everyt

  • About Us - Get The Tools - The Get The Tools website has the latest information on health, wellness, and support for Kiwi blokes. We have cutting edge tools to help Kiwi blokes,..
  • History - Get The Tools - We want to warmly acknowledge Paul and Joe from Mitre10 MEGA Petone & Hutt and their staff for laying down the foundations of the Get The Tools websit..
  • Cancer Society Whereabouts - Get The Tools - Wherever you are in the country you can bet your boots there’s a Cancer Society office near you. The Cancer Society services are community funded to s..
  • Get in Touch - Get The Tools - The good thing about the Cancer Society is that it is so easy to contact us. There is sure to be an office near you, or you can talk to one of our nur..
  • The Toolbox - Get The Tools - Welcome to the Men’s Toolbox Welcome to the bloke’s place – where you can get all the men's health tools you need to prime your man-frame and keep you..
  • Bowel Cancer (U-Bend) - Get The Tools - If it's caught early, bowel cancer can be curable. No one likes talking about it much, but the fact is your poo can tell a good story.
  • Testicular Cancer (Nuts) - Get The Tools - You'd be nuts to muck around if you notice any changes to your buddies downstairs. Read our resources on Testicular Cancer.
  • Lung Cancer (Respirator) - Get The Tools - As well as looking awful, smelling bad and messing with your mojo, smoking can lead to impotence, lung cancer, poor eyesight, lower fitness levels, heart and gum disease.
  • Healthy Weight (Tape Measure) - Get The Tools - Want to be the best you can be? Then why weight? We discuss healthy lifestyles for kiwi blokes
  • Mental Wellbeing (Hard Hat) - Get The Tools - It is OK to ask for help. We discuss the nuts and bolts of mental wellbeing for kiwi blokes.
  • Skin Cancer (Spraycan) - Get The Tools - What's your largest organ? Your skin, of course. Discussing the nuts and bolts of sun cancer and skin protection for kiwi blokes.
  • Press Releases - Get The Tools - There is always something happening in health and cancer. For the most topical news and views check out the Cancer Society’s Media Page:
  • Managing Cancer in the Workplace - Get The Tools - Managing Cancer in the Workplace What happens when a worker is diagnosed with cancer. Just as a diagnosis of cancer has an impact on the life of the ..
  • Outdoor Workers Information - Get The Tools - Information and advice on sun protection in the workplace. Sun Protection & Outdoor Work Booklet - A Guide for Employers This booklet provides informa..
  • WorkWell - Get The Tools - WorkWell is a free, workplace wellbeing initiative which supports workplaces to ‘work better through wellbeing’. Developed by Toi Te Ora – Public Heal..
  • Guide to Workplace Wellbeing - Get The Tools - Wellplace is a kiwi website that focuses on kiwi workplaces and businesses. The site is a work place tool-shed fill of facts, ideas, stories and reso..
  • NZ Workplace Resources - Get The Tools - Most of us go to work at some stage in our lives, bringing home the bacon to feed the whānau. Whether you self manage or are part of a working communi..
  • HR Templates - Get The Tools - For HR Managers Cancer in the Workplace More people diagnosed at earlier stages and surviving cancer, many of working age - productivity and continuin..
  • Campaigns - Get The Tools - Here's a range of inspiring community programmes and campaigns created by everyday Kiwi blokes that encourage men to look after their health and have ..
  • Meet The Blokes - Get The Tools - Evan Belford is the founder of RUCK Cancer and one of our Get the tools Facilitators Dr Stephen Neas Dr Neas is a G.P. based in Nelson and d..
  • Family Activities website - Get The Tools - Families are important and is the main motivator for us blokes to do what we can be around for our kids, grandkids, wives and partners. This website ..

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    City: 151.1982 New South Wales, Australia

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    I am forever done with Nero products because of this program and its total lack of support over time. There have been numerous well-known issues with previous versions and they have not been corrected.

  • adriel - this stuff is whoa!

    I took it and felt it almost immediately. Kinda like a caffeine boost but more subtle. I was alert. Energized. I teach and wake up at 6am groggy and just go thru the motions, but after this I was ready. Couldnt wait to start the day. I also did take a hit of oxygen boost in a can. They both work. Thru the course of the day I drank it in my water bottle and had this alert ready feeling that didnt fade for a couple hours after. I will say the oxygen boost can did make my chest sorta toght the first use, but I think they say test it and adjust if effect is to intense. Either way. I like cellfood. I drank some vodka with it and its awesome. Probably not the intended use but whatever. And some lady on here got warts falling off and someone else mom was cured of cancer. Others have crohns and other stuff being fixed. Someone mentioned restless leg is soothed which I hope, cuz I have that. All I know is cell food is boss. Fda reviews say otherwise. But who trusts the effin government! When they gpt cures for aids and herpes sitting on shelves so big pharma can lace their pockets. Just take cellfood superserum and be Captain America!