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    City: 9.491 , Germany

  • Jim Jenkins - slot machines video games

    I was hoping for a more current slot machine video games instead of what I got where the older one however, I have enjoyed playing them.

  • Mynie - not as hoped

    I gave the SkeeterVac my best shot and yes, it vacuums in the "skeeters," but this TacTrap also lures honey bees, bumble bees, moths . . . If the TacTrap isn't attached, the stupid mosquitoes aren't attracted near enough to be "vacuumed."

  • Amazon Customer - Especially good for those persons that have mobility limitations.

    Just what the Doctor ordered! Great chair that will give you a decent workout, especially for seniors.

  • MCSZ - Nothing Amazing

    The sample product worked fine--nothing amazing happened after use. But my hair did get weighed down/oily faster than without, so I will not be investing in a full size of this.

  • Felicia Sherman - Highly recommend for someone who has stress issues

    Highly recommend for someone who has stress issues. It helps with regulating hormones and keeping stress levels down. I have been using Holy Basil for the past 5 years and definitely will continue using it in the future!

  • Hope - note 7 quick charger

    really good charger for note 7. works great, and charges in a timely matter. I must disclose that this product was received at a discounted cost for my honest and unbiased review. My opinion was not altered due to the product being discounted. If I do not believe in a product, I will not give it a positive rating. Please leave a comment if you have any further questions. Thanks for taking the time to read my review!