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Centre québécois pour la déficience auditive - Accueil - Le Centre québécois pour la déficience auditive (CQDA) est un organisme provincial de défense des droits et de promotion des intérêts des personnes vivant avec surdité. Il offre des informations ainsi que des ateliers de sensibilisation à la surdité. Il regroupe les associations, organismes publics ou privés, fondations et autres intervenants québécois qui ont un intérêt pour la déficience auditive.

Country:, North America, CA

City: -73.5501 Quebec, Canada

  • K. Alvarez - FEWER pills, FEWER times per day, and LOWER cost

    I have tried three products like this: Candidase, Candex, and this one, CandiZyme. All three work equally well. When I say equally well I mean that my symptoms were completely gone (itching, discharge, etc.).

  • mika11 - My mouth feels clean!

    A friend recommended this mouthwash to me several years ago and have been using it since. I use it twice a day and it works great. The best thing about this mouthwash is that it heals my canker sores within a few days and the more I use it the canker sores hardly ever come back. Also feels like a have a refreshing and clean mouth.

  • Victoria E Romero Lara - Amaizng racket until frame breaks

    This racquet is the best I ever had. However the frame broke 3 month after I bought it, by itself. Then I bought a second one and 6 months later, and it broke in the same area, the same way. A crack on the frame. Like I said, the best racquet I had so far, but definitively, there is some engineering problem with it. Now on my next one...I am switching to Babolat. Let's see how it goes :-)

  • Evan Black - Brought my girlfriend back from the dead

    So i got this and decided to play a prank on my girlfriend thinking it would make her glow in the dark. well long story short it actually probably maybe kind of killed her. I panicked and buried her in the cemetery down the street. So i'm sittin in the living room all mopey when i hear a noise outside. when i get up to look i see her walking down the street and she's glowing! it's a miracle! not sure who those other people are with her shambling around like mindless drones, but i figured she was gonna throw me a surprise party and maybe apologize for dying. maybe those other people are friends or somethin. man this party is gonna be huge!