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Avenida Shopping e Office - O Avenida Shopping & Office, instituído sob a forma de condomínio edilício, foi inaugurado em 15 de dezembro de 1994. Naquela época, já nascia com uma proposta inovadora na concepção de centros comerciais. Assim, foi pioneiro no Ceará na formatação de um mix de negócios contemplando não apenas lojas de varejo, serviço de oferta comum aos empreendimentos de então, mas agregando a incorporação de salas comerciais.Seu espaço físico, constituído de 7.504,78 m², dispõe de três pavimentos de Shopping, abrigando 206 lojas e uma Torre Comercial, com dez andares, albergando 286 salas. Enxergando a forte demanda por espaços oriunda do moderno e dinâmico setor de serviços, o Empreendimento vem ampliando a participação desse segmento também nas áreas disponíveis nos pavimentos L-2 e L-3 do Shopping.Está localizado em área nobre da Cidade, especificamente no bairro Meireles, em uma de suas principais vias, avenida Dom Luís, tendo em seu entorno bairros habitados por público de elevado poder aquisitivo, como Aldeota, Varjota, Papicu, Mucuripe, dentre outros, além de situar-se muito próximo à avenida Beira Mar, principal reduto turístico e hoteleiro de Fortaleza.De fácil acesso, oferece amplo estacionamento com ingresso pelas ruas Osvaldo Cruz e Visconde de Mauá. Há mais de quinze anos no mercado, o espaço mantém vivos a tradição e o compromisso como fatores importantes para o sucesso.

Country:, South America, BR

City: -43.2192 , Brazil

  • Jill81 - Not tea tree oil

    The number one ingredient in this product is soy bean oil. That's not what I wanted. Also, I saw it at Walmart and it was only 2 dollars.

  • Amazon Customer - Great for the new small biz owner

    I don't review products very often, but all of the bad reviews for QB for Mac 2013 have caused me to want to clear the air a bit. It appears that there are a lot of problems with QB for Mac 2013 for two groups of users -- those that formerly used QB on Windows and those that are what I would call Advanced Users. If you fall into these categories, chances are you're going to be a hater. However, if you are like me and you have never used QB before and you have a new service business that your are operating out of your home or small office, this is a great product. Really it is. You're going to be able to figure out how to set it up pretty easily and within a month, you'll be comfortable and not afraid that you're going to screw things up as soon as you enter in a new purchase or invoice. Your accountant will also appreciate you choosing QB because that's the software most of them prefer. Oh and the IRS will appreciate it too because the QB for Mac 2013 version now has a handy attachment feature that allows you to attach a digital copy of your receipts. The IRS is cool with you having only digital receipts (and tossing all your paper) so long as they are in a searchable index, and this version qualifies as such.

  • Barb LM - Great hair product

    Great product that all 4 girls in my family having been using for years. Tames the wild hairs and gives an extra shine to hair after it's dry. No greasy feeling either. Amazon had the best price on it also which is an added bonus.

  • Aron Graham - Distilled Lady Gaga - Beautiful, Honest, Compelling

    If “Lady Gaga” is meat dresses, little monsters, a David Bowie-like androgyny, radical individualism bordering on the extreme, and relatively impersonal “club music,” then this album should not bear her name.