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Academia Ecuatoriana de Otorrinolaringología - La Academia Ecuatoriana de Otorrinolaringología (AEO) es una asociación científica sin fines de lucro que agrupa a los especialistas otorrinolaringólogos de Quito y de las provincias del centro y norte del Ecuador.

Country:, North America, US

City: -95.4739 Texas, United States

  • T. Travis - Not great, but not bad either.

    Not a bad read. It didn't knock my socks off, though. And I did not like the "before" and "after" format...made the story too disjointed. Maybe it would have worked better if some chapters were combined and less jumping around. Overall OK. I am giving it 4 stars because it was way better than the free book I picked last month!

  • Shelby Hall - Excellent ingredients

    Let me begin with the first few ingredients of this serum: water, hyaluronic acid, witch-hazel, glycerin, aloe and retinal. Others that follow are jojoba oil and vitamin E with green tea in it also. This product has such great ingredients all at the top of the list that it has to be effective. It has no fragrance added and is a little thicker in consistency than a lot of other serums that I have tried. I like my serums to be a little bit thicker and not running all over the place because they are easier to apply that way and just feel more substantial. Most retinol products have this smell to it and I'm not sure it is the retinal that smells that way or the added ingredients like the witch hazel but it's not an off-putting smell, just smells like good skin care. I received this product at a discounted rate for my honest review.