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  • Just some random guy - Better than a glossy German fashion magazine from the 1980s

    I think the review by Tim Bell ( is unfair. My wife is from the Soviet Union, and she says this book is vastly superior to the German fashion magazine Burda that first appeared in the Soviet Union (in Russian) in 1987, during the height of toilet paper shortages. Glossy pages must be prepared at length before use, by first crinkling, and then rubbing the sheets of the paper against the sharp edge of a desk or table to soften them (a lengthy process), and even then, they are thoroughly non-absorbent and really not up to the job. Cory Bernardi's book, on the other hand, is printed on softer, more absorbent paper, so prep time is much shorter.

  • Shirley Whittington - Warren Buffet's letters to shareholders

    I have read Charlie Munger's book and my husband is interested in these so I purchased them for him. He says they are excellent reading and very interesting and of value. My husband does not give praise lightly.