Free HTML5 Bootstrap Template Review:



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Country:, North America, US

City: -122.0574 California, United States

  • Mrs. Chooch51 - Great Product!!!

    I have been using this for a few years now, i ran out once and tried other products but nothing made my skin feel as soft. It feels great from application to the next morning, and I ca see the difference it makes.

  • dbhinkle - Worst accounting software and customer service.

    I bought this product and ended up traveling overseas for over two months. When I got back I started using the software and found it is more difficult to use than they lead on. Even the tutorials I watched were people sitting down with professionals helping them connect the dots. It is way over the top for the small business/home user. When I called Intuit, they would not refund me because of the 60 day policy and would not even consider the software had not been activated. There offer to me was to de-authorize the license for my product.

  • nelson - great

    I love my purchase, I found what I was looking for, the item was the same as the description. Delivery time, communication, item features, and dimensions, everything was awesome thankssssssss

  • Michael V. - Very good, but not the best

    Very good. Only complaint is that the sweet spot not as large as it could be so requires some phone repositioning to find the correct position for charging. Some other chargers have multiple sweetspots and will charge the phone in any position. Still very good, but not the best tho. Good fast charge.

  • Luke - Great Product

    Although I eat a very well balanced diet, exercise daily, and always prioritize taking care of my health; I never really looked into buying a Multivitamin (for several reasons, such as certain minerals offsetting others, or possible imbalances multivitamins can create). A friend of mine however recommended this brand to me and I thought I'd give it a try as it looked promising. I have a few breakouts every once in a while, mostly hormonal, and I noticed this does help a bit with those (even though it wasn't the reason why I bought the vitamins in the first place).

  • Flavio R. Beall - Worth the money...

    The highest point is the landing gear swith with lights. The size of the set is ok (very close to a real panel). The only two CONS are the impossibility to reassign the magnetos and cowl flaps switches that become inoperant when flying jets. Maybe a new firmware could solve this... Worth the money anyway for those seeeking for a more real sim.