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  • Richard Beaudoin - I have to read the entire story

    A good author, in my opinion, needs to do one of two things. He must either create a world so rich and powerful that it takes the reader on a fantasy beyond compare or place that reader directly into the story making every word a part of the reader's own personal reality. This author has, from the very first paragraph, connected me to the story being told, so much so, that I want to read more. The imagery used is real to me. I've watched that fan in the very same way that Dennis did. The references and observations scattered throughout the first two chapters are very well done...not overdone which could destroy a good story and indeed this is a good story. A tip of the hat to the author...keep writing!

  • Teacher314 - Perfect for an overview of each park - worth the money!

    I enjoy reading travel books before big trips so I can get ideas about what sights are best to see. Hoping to make it some of these parks soon, I was happy to see this book listed in a magazine article about travel. This book does not disappoint and is COMPLETELY worth the money. It has gorgeous pictures and lots of helpful information. Of course, you can always dig deeper if you decide to go to any of these parks, but this book will give you many great initial ideas and may even spark your interest in visiting less well-known parks, as it did for me. I spent several weeks leisurely reading through this book and it will now make a fantastic coffee table book.

  • Maria V. Medina - This is the best supplement for me

    This is the best supplement for me . I am using it for 6 mos and my reading glasses is 250 it went down to 150.

  • Galla - Fascinating and objective

    Collision 2012 is a fascinating and objective recap of the 2012 election. Balz spends more time on the Republican campaign, since the primaries did take so long, but he summarizes the two years while emphasizing the most important events and developments. In fact, his recount makes the entire primary campaign seem much less tedious and time consuming than I remember it actually being. Balz has no political axe to grind and is even sympathetic at times, not only to Romney and Obama, but to several others, specifically Gingrich, Perry, and Santorum. What was most fascinating, and a bit mindboggling, was the Obama campaign use of technology, demographics and data driven research. Their campaign began much earlier and by the time the actual election period started, the managers' ability to hone in on voters was a fine art (or exquisitely fine tuned technology). It is surprising that the Romney campaign was so far behind and did not even realize until too late just how advanced in number crunching the Democrats were. It is also surprising that Romney, for all his much vaunted managerial and analytical skills, did not have a better run campaign. While he himself made some egregious gaffes, a number of major errors were made at the mid echelon level, including the decision to have Clint Eastwood speak at the convention rather than show a video that demonstated Romney's warm and personable side. The example given by an Obama major manager about receiving only two pertinent and personal contacts from an Obama volunteer who had his name on a list, in contrast to a large number of mailed flyers from the Romney campaign is a dramatic example of how differently the two campaign groups used resources. It is now evident that the Republicans were woefully behind in the use of technology and data driven decision making. As Balz makes clear, the pattern for future elections has been set. Two thoughts arise: 1) Perhaps the Democrats should make use of the same technology and its data base to make sure that future voters are registered, especially in key states and precincts where Republican legislatures are putting into place tougher voting registration requirements. And 2) why can't Jim Messina go to work for the government and maybe get things done?