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  • Suzanne Gates - My dogs love the treats & I love being able to check ...

    My dogs love the treats & I love being able to check on them while I'm away from home. I also like the bark notification so I can check on my house if the dogs are barking. Security system & dog surveillancd in one!

  • Amazon Customer - Works for me, but is kind of like flipping a coin between Clear Skin or Not

    Though Proactiv Solution works pretty well for me, I have never seen a product vary so drastically from one user to another. I started getting terrible acne in the 9th grade, and it had a major effect on my confidence. People would stare at my zits--and not into my eyes--whenever we were having a conversation, and my 10th grade history teacher even held me back at the end of class specifically to recommend a skin care product that she had ordered from Avon. If that were not embarrassing enough, my acne reached a peak during my senior year of high school--the primetime of every young woman's life. Every inch of my cheeks was covered in bright red, pus-filled pimples. It was so terrible that some people looked disgusted to even stand near me, and I had to wear a TON of concealer for my senior photos--which only exacerbated the problem as soon as picture day was over. After my high school graduation, I started spending a lot of time out at the pool, and (despite what the experts say), the sun drastically improved my skin. My face turned really red one day when I forgot the sunblock, and the next day, all of the zits were gone. However, when the summer ended and I went to college in the fall, the zits came back. It was then that I decided that I need something stronger than an over-the-counter medicine to deal with my skin. After watching a commercial for Proactiv Solution, I ordered it over the phone on a whim. The first few weeks didn't give me any results, but after a about a month, the product worked to its full potential. I have been using it for almost two years now, and I am very happy with my decision to purchase it. Though it has not provided the magical results that are showcased in every commercial (I still get a couple of pimples every couple of weeks, my face is not the horrible red mask that it once was. Unlike some reviewers reported, the product does not dry my face out at all, and I haven't experienced any redness. The most redeeming product of the entire system is the toner. Though it does not smell very potent, it succeeded in removing from my hands and forearms a botched application of self-tanning lotion that almost a week of constant scrubbing did nothing to help. For me, this is very good stuff. Unfortunately, as I stated, this product varies so widely from customer to customer that it is hard to determine the effectiveness of its use. In my circle of friends, three girls (myself included) are using Proactiv. My skin reacted very nicely to the product, but the other two weren't as lucky. One of the girls had mild acne and experienced no change in her condition. Another girl had moderate acne and experienced such severe burning and redness of the skin that she discontinued usage and even voluntary went through the seven levels of Hell (also known as Proactiv Customer Service) to get a refund.

  • Mad Hal - not sure on it

    if i'm paying nearly ten thousand dollars for a cable slightly taller than me, i don't want "low distortion" audio. no, i want the composer and his band in my house, playing the soundtrack to whatever media i'm enjoying right there with me, and i don't want him to complain when i make him play "Love Rollercoaster" by The Ohio Players ten times in a row.