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Country:, Europe, NL

City: 5.7237 Provincie Flevoland, Netherlands

  • Jamie - This thing sucks - and not the way it's supposed to

    This thing sucks - and not the way it's supposed to. I wasn't expecting suction like a Hoover, but this doesn't even have enough pull to hold on to a cotton ball. Should have known better when I saw the instructions were in Chinese only.

  • Sewell Free Radio - Slow

    I ordered the CD. I've been using Quicken since 1986. Generally I upgrade every 2 years so I went from Q2012 to 2014. I have a large file which worked fine under my previous version. Now every time I enter a transaction, I get an hourglass. Crazy. The install was buggy. I had problems with my password vault (it wouldn't take some accounts that were previously there) and couldn't use keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Ctrl-D to delete). I contacted tech support for 2 chat sessions. The first guy had me validate the file (I hate validating the file, it always messes it up, trying to resend transfers, screwing up balances, etc). This time it wiped out every one of my online payee addresses and acct numbers. The second guy was better, truly wanted to help, and fixed everything but the SLOWNESS. So I'm thinking I'll return the product and go back to 2012, then wait to see reviews of 2015. Since Quicken monitors this, I'd be grateful for any thoughts.

  • Amazon Customer - Why doesn't issue just download on my kindle each week ...

    Why doesn't issue just download on my kindle each week? Why do I need to type in the number on my magazine label each week??? The reason for the kindle is so I don't have to carry the mag with me. This is unsatisfactory.