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  • Amazon Customer - A guide for good health!

    We each know where the owners manual is for our car, this is like the owners manual for your body! Stephen Cherniske has done an incredible job explaining, in understandable terms, the impact of DHEA on your body.

  • D. Carson - Zoobooks

    No the price at Amazon is the same as at the Zoobooks site, $29.95. It's true you don't get the poster and stickers but I like the convenience of ordering via Amazon and renewals are a snap.

  • Walter Krutzfeldt - Raymond L. Weil did it again!

    One of the best books so far in the series, I couldn't put this book down as I couldn't wait to see what Admiral Strong would do next to save his fleet or his home.

  • Wldflwrs - Manuka Honey is the many things

    Do a bit of research & you'll find ACTIVE Manuka honey has many, many uses. I've used the honey for many of them....digestive issues (for my canine companion as well), skin issues, wounds, infections, the list goes on. I always have a jar on hand as part of my own home-grown 1-aid kit. Because of its consistently high ratings -- across vendor sites --I would say you can't go wrong with Wedderspoon as a brand.