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Premier Medical, Inc - Premier Medical Laboratory Services (PMLS) is proud to offer MD Drug Pro, a comprehensive drug monitoring program with superior testing capabilities and personalized services.

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  • Maxine I - Not intuitive and has absolutely no security for such an expensive device

    I'm very disappointed and annoyed! I bought a new road bike and was strongly advised by my bike shop to buy this device as I ride alone many times and they felt that the turn by turn navigation was a must. I bought it mid-August and my issues are as follows:

  • Susan - Never ever be without this cleanser!

    This is the most amazing product ever used. Works on my stainless steel appliances without scratching, takes older stains off almost anything. I had not been able to find this for years, and was thrilled to come across it. The container lasts forever as it only takes a small amount. This is the best product on the market PERIOD.

  • L. Holder - Sylvania SMP2012 2 GB Clip MP3 Player (Silver)

    This is a very basic mp3 player and just what I wanted. It is tiny, at about 1 inch by 1 1/2 inches and is feather-light. The battery is built-in and rechargeable, which is one of the big selling points for me. It fully charges in about 30 minutes and is ready to play. Actually, it charged while I loaded songs, as well as sermons, on it. I am pleased with the sound quality, of both spoken audio, as well as music.

  • Audrey - Absolutely fabulous!!

    My husband ordered this. He's the "investment guy" in our household and he knows more than most professionals in the field because he's been continuously studying finance-anything for over 40 years because he loves to. This book gave information he had not found anywhere else and now that he's 62, we want to know exactly what our benefits are. We have an adult disabled son and this book explained some critical information that even our attorney did not know (or failed to tell us) that could affect SS benefits (in a positive way) if our son's disability is deemed severe enough for the special rules.

  • M. Crawford - Pain Relief!

    I've been suffering with sciatica for 3 years now and couldn't get through a day without pain meds. Since doing the exercises as described in the book, I have been able to reduce or eliminate (depending on the day) my use of pain medication. Awesome! It helped that I already knew exactly what was structurally wrong in my body: my pelvis is not only twisted but one side is higher than the other. This book addresses both of these conditions... and four others. My husband has poor upper back posture (slumped shoulders) and there are even a set of exercises for that. We commit 15 minutes each night to the exercises and it helps! It's not the miracle answer, but if you commit the time and energy, your pain will be reduced significantly.

  • Drawline - Wonderfully acted, professionally directed and produced - but ah

    Wonderfully acted, professionally directed and produced - but ah! The wasted potential! No sophistication in the solution at all.

  • RMFAN! - Burning eyes after application to small area

    We have a mild flea infestation. I have been putting borax laundry booster & baking soda in the carpet and vacuuming daily. the problem is getting better but I see about one flea a day & would like to be done with it. Went to my vet's office and saw this powder. the gal working at the office said she used it and it worked great. Another, client walked by and said it was the best and worked for her too! I decided to buy the 3lb container. I vacuumed 1/2 the carpet in my kids room, applied the powder with a small push broom. wore a hospital mask over my nose and mouth. directions just said to wear a mask and did not specify what type. Noticed during the brushing part my eyes started to burn. Finished 1/2 of the room, then I removed all my clothing and put in the laundry, wiped my shoes down with a cloth and water. Washed my face and hands twice. concerned about eyes burning I started to do research on the internet. Found all the reviews here. sounds like it works but the dust concerns me as I will want to move my kids back to their bedroom but I don't want them breathing this stuff or playing on the their rug only to get the fine dust on their hands and toys. I'm buying a respirator & goggles tomorrow so that when I vacuum I won't be exposed (will wear gloves too) & I will wipe walls and other things down so that my family has minimal exposure. Not sure I want to finish the room or put it in the toy room. very misleading website too. Directions on the package are not very clear and I am quite concerned about adverse health effects. We have been calling our local Flea Busters in Washington State to get quotes but no one calls back. After reading some reviews about this company I don't think I want to have them apply this at my house. If they cannot call back for someone looking for their business I can certainly see that they would not call back if there was a problem. Cannot say either way whether this works but I can say one should use caution and don't assume that their product is as "natural" and as "safe" as they claim. Get a respirator and goggles and where when applying and any time you vacuum until you know it is out of the room. We are already in a state of chaos and now I feel like we just added a little bit more with this product.