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  • Dave Henderson - I was super excited to try this product being that i have ...

    I was super excited to try this product being that i have always been embarressed about my dark armpits from shaving almost daily and at the time of ordering there were not a lot of reviews saying . everyone said it works! its great! Best product ever pretty much, but I tried this whitening cream for 20 days,,and it didn't change anything, my underarms getting worse and more darker ++ I got a lot of rashes and red spot... oh well No harm in trying but it didn't work at all.

  • Brent Brunell - Fun product, works as advertised until rubbed off

    I purchased NeverWet just for fun to see how it worked. I tested it on cardboard, clothes, and a hat. It worked as advertised. Superhydrophobicity is very fun. When water was poured on the treated surface it danced on top of the material and shed very quickly. Everyone who saw it was very impressed. Only two down sides are that the coating rubs off of cloth surfaces relatively easily (if you grab your hat in the same spot when you take it off your head that spot will have less and less of the coating). The other is that there is a white or light grey residue from the coating. So if you put the coating on a black surface it will look like you have put a light frosting (like Christmas window frosting) on the cloth. Would probably be transparent on white or light colored surfaces (probably why all of the videos and examples from the company are on white surfaced or light surfaced objects).