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Country:, Europe, PL

City: 19.9802 Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland

  • E.P. - Very good and durable

    I bought this and learned to ride it in about three weeks. The only thing that's bad is the seat sometimes come lose on mine so when I fall off I have to push it left or right back into place and tighten it more. Not a big issue though. So if your going to get a unicycle for a low price then get this one it's a solid unit.

  • J. Alan Bock - The prognosis is dismal

    "We are standing today at the edge of the Fourth Great Crash and war in American history," says Thom Hartmann at the beginning of this book. "THe previous three," he says, " were gut-wrenching in their horror and bloodshed but they ultimately transformed America in ways which made this a greater and more egalitarian nation, . . They were predicted by Thomas Jefferson who said that periodic revolutions were necessary for America - and for any democratic state - to flourish and grow. And if they were stalled or blocked, then the ensuing crisis would be all the more intense." He put it best when he said:"If this avenue of periodic revolution] be shut to the call of sufferance, it will make itself be heard through that of force, and we shall go on, as other nations are doing, in the endless cycle of oppression, rebellion, and reformation; and oppression, rebellion, and reformation, again; and so on forever."