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  • VIVI - Works for far

    Just took the 6th set of pills. Only taking the 2 per day, I try to take it around the same time every morning. 7 days ago and beyond, I was getting a hot-flash every 30 minutes. 24/7 every thirty fn minutes. And they were intense. Around the 3rd day of taking amberen I noticed a decrease in flashes. Today I noted how many I had on paper, so far 1. 1!!! Still having a couple at night but nowhere near the intensity.

  • Kaitlyn Terlecki - Great cleanse to kick bad habits

    I had a really good experience with this cleanse. I am a very petite girl. I am 5'1 and weighed 138 lbs. After the 10 days I lost 10 pounds and two inches from my waist. People say the first ten lbs are water weight but my body is noticeably smaller. My arms, face, back, stomach and thighs are smaller. I didn't feel well AT ALL on day 2, but what do you expect? Your body is going through a detox and you aren't allowed to have caffeine so I knew a headache was coming. The apple berry shake wasn't good at first but you can easily add unsweetened almond milk and it tastes great. This is a great cleanse to help kick really bad eating/drinking habits. It really pushes you to become an over-all healthy person...even off the cleanse. I even have enough supplies left to do another 10 day cleanse