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Dr. David J. Patton, M.D., Inc. OBGYN Smartlipo Womens Health WV - Dr. David J Patton has been a practicing OBGYN in WV private practice for over 13 years. I will do my very best to meet your womens health needs.

Country:, North America, US

City: -98.3987 Texas, United States

  • Dallas - Very Good for hair

    I like the warm feeling you get when you put the product on your hair and the product feels very good.

  • Drama Fan - Deep Sea Facial Peel Gel

    A friend bought this product at a kiosk and gave me a facial peel at my home--ladies it even took off the "peach" fuzz that us older ladies get. Yes, the dead skin was gross, shocking actually, since I just had a professional facial the "week" before and it didn't remove the "peach fuzz". DSFPG did--my face wasn't red, irritated or tender--it was wonderfully soft and with the DSCFP Moisturizer wonderful. Once a week is all you need for this product, I'm a believer!