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  • J.L. - Gimmicky

    To start with, this product really is incredibly effective at shedding water. But it also leaves an ugly, chalky film on whatever it is applied to. By itself, this dramatically limits what you can use it on. It's advertised as being great for wood, so I decided to try it on the exterior of a planter box that I built. The film was extremely unsightly, so much so that I just sanded the product off. It is also very expensive for the coating you get. I did not have enough to finish coating the outside of a 6'x2'x2' planter box, and that was $20 of product. Rare miss by Rustoleum.

  • Casey Deree - Great for my kid

    The shoes themselves are great. They were for our 11 year old daughter who loves them. The only negative is the charging cord. It is a spliced cord and only 1 side works so only 1 shoe can be charged at a time. So because of that she doesn't get to use them often.

  • Joey - Informative!

    I have recently acknowledged myself as a children's book writer and now want to be a children's book published author. This book has guided me, step by step, in order for me to reach my final goal of publication.

  • Marcus - Fabulas scooter

    This scooter is excellent. The wheels move very smoothly. It has a good brake. I got it from walmart.