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Crom Alternative Currency - Social Network And Payment System - Work on development of stable economy, sustainable business and transition into a better and happier world, within which Crom Alternative Currency System functions as a worth appraisal and exchange system.

  • Crom Alternativna Valuta - Društvena Mreža I Platni Sustav - Rad na razvoju stabilne ekonomije, održivog biznisa i tranziciji u bolji i sretniji svijet, u sklopu kojeg kao sustav za procjenu i razmjenu vrijednosti funkcionira Sustav Alternativne Valute Crom.
  • Crom Moneta Alternativa - Rete Sociale E Sistema Di Pagamento - Lavoro sullo sviluppo di un'economia stabile, un business sostenibile e sulla transizione ad un mondo migliore e più felice, nel contesto del quale, come sistema di stima del valore e dello scambio, funziona il Sistema Di Moneta Alternativa Crom.
  • About Us - Crom Alternative Exchange Association - We are a community of curious, informed, decisive, creative, and peaceful people of free spirit and open mind who cultivate sympathy for the truth. We have constructed something that didn't existed before - a lifestyle choice and an alternative to defective system of money, banking, tax, and finance.
  • Partnership For Building A Sustainable Economic System - If you would like to become a partner of the Crom Alternative Currency System - new worth appraisal and exchange system, feel free to contact us with your partnership and collaboration proposals.
  • Donations To Crom Alternative Exchange Association - Your support of our work, donations to this association and projects such as sustainable global-local system of worth appraisal and exchange of products and services, are much appreciated.
  • Access Channels - There are several different ways to access web space of the Crom Alternative Exchange Association, which is divided into the worth appraisal and exchange system, and web site comprised of alternative news, forum and link exchange directory. For example, access for mobile devices allows you to make payments or to check account balance and view transaction history details from anywhere in the world.
  • Detailed Information - Worth Appraisal And Exchange System - Detailed information on how the worth appraisal and exchange system - Crom Alternative Currency - social network and payment system works.
  • Currency Exchange - Money Exchange - Money exchange in which currency exchange rate is calculated on a basis of variable price expressed in Euros or US dollars for a basket of precious metals that represent a fix value of Crom Alternative Currency.
  • Interest Free Loans - Ethical Borrowing Of Money - The Crom Interest Free Loan is a borrowing of money on which no interest is paid, it can be a short term loan, long-term loan, microcredit or a consumer loan.
  • Transition Cheques - Transition Cheque is a step forward in intention to bring Crom Alternative Currency into existence, not only in a form of digital currency, but also as a paper banknote.
  • Alternative Money System - Become A Broker - Crom Broker is a paid promoter who performs honorable job of expanding the social network of people, companies and organizations which desire transition from competitive economy of fictitious money and financial speculation - into cooperative economy of real values.
  • E-commerce, E-shops And Ethical Means of Payment - Merchants can easily integrate into e-shops and websites this payment buttons which facilitate transfer of the Crom Alternative Currency between a buyer and a seller.
  • Ethical Money - Crom Alternative Value: Frequently Asked Questions - Alternative monetary system – answers to questions regarding how ethical money - Crom Alternative Currency - functions within the new worth appraisal and exchange system.
  • Marketplace For Products And Services - Crom Marketplace is a new innovative business - cooperative economic alternative in which by meeting of demand and supply of goods, products and services through fair commerce, free choice of any type of means of payment and direct access to market are guaranteed to everyone.
  • Documents - All official documents related to the functioning of the Crom Alternative Exchange Association and Crom Alternative Currency System are published on this web page.
  • Free Planet Balanced Living - Forum - International socializing and discussion forum without censorship, open to anyone interested to participate. A great place to talk about everything, explore, learn, share, meet new friends, relax and have fun.
  • Crom Alternative News - Investigative journalism, alternative news and useful articles on various topics.
  • Crom - Web Link Directory - Crom - Web Link Directory is a human-edited SEO friendly Internet link directory organized by different categories accepting new free link submissions.
  • SOVRO - Sovereign Payment Instrument - SOVRO is a payment instrument that combines the characteristics of debt collection, debt set-off and legitimate self-defense, with the aim of establishing a fair balance in the relationship between the sovereign individual and group of men who call themselves society, the people, citizenry and the like.
  • SOVRO - Suvereni Platni Instrument - SOVRO je platni instrument koji objedinjuje karakteristike naplate potraživanja, prebijanja dugova i legitimne samoodbrane, s ciljem uspostave pravedne ravnoteže u odnosima između suverenog pojedinca i grupe ljudi koji sebe nazivaju društvo, narod, građanstvo i slično.
  • SOVRO - Strumento Sovrano Di Pagamento - SOVRO è uno strumento di pagamento che unisce le caratteristiche di recupero crediti, compensazione debiti e legittima difesa, allo scopo di stabilire un giusto equilibrio nel rapporto tra individuo sovrano e gruppo di uomini che si fanno chiamare società, popolo, cittadinanza e simile.
  • Uomo Libero E Sovrano: Notifica Della Bancarotta Della Repubblica Di Croazia - Attraverso questa Notifica, Io - uomo libero e sovrano, sotto la giurisdizione esclusiva della Legge Naturale Universale, informo tutti i governi del mondo, le istituzioni e le altre parti, della bancarotta della Repubblica Di Croazia.
  • Slobodan Suvereni Čovjek: Obavijest Banci O Zahtjevu Za Razjašnjenjem - Na koji način banke, prakticirajući djelomičnu rezervu, namiču kreditni novac kojim financiraju posudbu sredstava klijentima? Jesu li takvi kreditni ugovori legitimni, to jest valjani?

    Country:, Europe, DE

    City: 9.491 , Germany

  • Mary H. - Great smelling oil

    This oil is really amazing. I received it at a discount in exchange for an honest review and I am so glad that I did. It is a super useful oil and I have already used it for stress relief in my bath, and in my diffuser. It smells great. I am not sure of the purity of the oil as I have no way to test it personally but I love it! Great price as usually frankincense is quite pricey!

  • Damon Overboe - OK value. Not great, not terrible.

    It worked pretty well. I was replacing a Black & Decker blender that was going out. As it was failing, I started to use a Black & Decker food processor first. I wanted a faster and simpler process