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  • Jenna - Product WORKS

    In Texas, we've seen a lot of rain which is unusual for this time of year and our house is located in close proximity to a creek. This tends to drive in water bugs and roaches in from the outside. We've seen a few large ones in our house around the doors, but were dead because a pest control company had "sprayed" the perimeter. We had a feeling we had a bigger problem but couldn't get the exterminator to use better product to treat. My husband has experience in pest control and would often recommend Bengal to customers who couldn't afford a professional treatment. Within minutes of him spraying, every single bug came out, including small ones. As disgusted as I was, I at least knew the area was free from pests, which is more than I could say from 5 separate visits from a pest control company. We even saw a few baby wasps in the windows that were driven out by this product, which was surprising to me! I would highly recommend this product and would recommend it to anyone for $9 before paying hundreds for pest control. I am not going to say it's a pleasant experience, because it isn't, but at least it works and it works incredibly well.

  • James - Good product

    Product arrived very quickly and has help me lose a couple of pounds in about a month. Helps curb my appetite and has a bit of a mood boost as well. Very nice customer service who contacted me after signing up for a free bottle. Very helpful. Would recommend this brand and will continue to take it,