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  • Strong Reader - Life-cycle benefits!

    Not sure there is anything better over the full circle of life. Great for early years, good for middle years, great again for later years!

  • Carolyne - They are easy to use and offer relief from muscle and tendon ...

    I have been using these for about 9 years. They are easy to use and offer relief from muscle and tendon pain. Buying them in quantity on Amazon is cheaper than the small packs of 40 at discount stores.

  • RVgirl - RV Air Freshener

    Purchased this product to place in the storage compartments of our motor home. Not only is it a product that has a pleasant odor to refresh the air, but also is a deterant for four legged critters. We have used this product for more than four years and are very satisfied with the results. We highly recommend this product.

  • Bleu T. Hunder - Microwave: The Remains of a Shattered Marriage

    I received this book from my "friend", Jimmy Pike, shortly after my ex-wife absconded to the plains of northern Florida with our gardener, Rodrigo Figueroa. (Yes, that's right you smarmy, back-stabbing twit - I'm calling you out!) In her wake, she'd left me with little else, but a microwave and a suspicious and malodorous rash. For better or worse, a few nights of panicking, challenging urination and a 2-week course of antibiotics soon left me with only the former. As I began to regain control of my faculties, it became apparent that my steady diet of Polly-o cheese sticks and mustard would not do. Still, while my appetite was returning, I found it impossible to operate the aforementioned microwave. That's when I recalled that I had in my possession the one book that could help me. I am, of course, referring to Sonia Allison's "Microwave For One". Rarely has a tome so accurately captured the quiet desperation of post-marital cuisine. The chapters are well-organized and provide very simple, clear instructions on how to prepare a wide assortment of meals. (I would caution you, however, to try and pick-up an unused copy of the book. The one gifted to me was clearly secondhand as some of the writing had been smudged out by what I'm assuming were the previous owners errant tears.) From her Cheetos Souffle to her mouthwatering recipe for Canard A'la Sunkist, Ms. Allison does not disappoint. (Yes, of course she is single.) Bon appetit!

  • Nic M. - not what it once was...

    My mother introduced me to this product several years ago and it was amazing! I recently purchased this again (I have long hait and a small container would last me a very long time) and noticed it is NOT the same product it once was- it's been reformulated. It was worth paying the high price when the product delivered results, but the price is NOT justifiable as it is now. I'll be asking for a refund.

  • charmaine - This is a great stroller for parents on the go

    This is a great stroller for parents on the go. Easy to use and lightweight. Great change from our more bulky, heavier stroller.

  • velva graves - I always use Hallmark

    At first I found my program complicated but after many stressful minutes I won over the computer. Now I can make cards and am still working on figuring out the other parts of all the programs.