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  • M F Pierce - My Best Friends Swears By It.

    I tried it for several months, in that time my vision improved. I looked forward to drinking the mix. It's very green and that can be off putting but it tastes a bit like green tea and that was appealing. My only problem is the cost. If it was available at say half it's current price I think I'ld be a believer, but this price is just too steep.

  • Amazon Customer - Predictable,

    I love all Sandford's books, until this one. Frankie is trashy and easy easy. Leaves her kids to stay with Virgil or goes to the pond skinny dippy with her kids around. The kids are foul mouthed, just not much to her that anyone should or could like. I forced myself to keep reading through the first part of the book and it did get better but all the little plots that started you knew what was going to happen. NOTHIING was a surprise. I don't really understand how Virgil still has a job as he just seems to keep around in circles with a different person telling him what he needs to do next. I think I am done with the Flowers series.

  • Creet - Stay Woke

    Luvvie Ajayi is the most no holds-barred person that I have come to luv and enjoy. She is truly my BFF in my head. This book is the business and it's everything you thought about at one time or another, but were afraid to speak on it. It's every side-eye and blank stare that you are now willing to give because she has given you permission! I can't wait for the next phase of this dear sista's life and see what else she has in store for us! #BlackGirlMagic